
Active Member
I have to take my wings off soon to repair the bulkhead and I was wondering if anyone has put a SII front panel in a SIII ? No point in my re inventing the wheel so would be greatful to hear if it can be done, with minimum mods of course...!!

Hi yes have done to mine to use the extra set of lights as spots

The only adjustments I needed to make were on the bonnet catch to get it lined up properly. will try to find a pic to add
Thanks for all that gents, looks like I'll go ahead. Now I just have to find a front panel in OK nick..!!!

I think the headlamps moved to the wings several years before it became mandatory. But I think all S3 were made after the cut of date.

Note the DIP beams must be closer to side of vehicle than MAIN beams. So you will not be able to drive on radiator lights only. Does that make sense?

I supose you could fit right hand dip lamps in rad, to give a wider spread ... and upset other drivers. Or even fit them upside down ..... for reading signposts.:)

can you have two sets of headlights. one set in wings and one set in front panel. both with working dip and main beams?

Pic attached at last, The light in the wings are standard dip beam I have linked the light iin the front panel to the main beam just needs a coat of paint now !!!

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