
New Member
My 90 is going in for paint in two weeks, and I was wondering wether to replace the windows with panel van panels.

Obviously the panel van panels are more secure..

Whereas the windows have better viz, and presumably when open will increase the airflow. Also can get guards for security/

I see Rhubab has driven from Cape Town with windows, while Griffdog cruises around Morocco with panels, what's better ?? :rolleyes:
personal choice I think mate.

security is a big issue. I have the rear sealed off with a load guard nd the panels. the only way in is the rear door.

Had windows on my last 90. When loaded you cant see out of them anyway. Also windows allow the sun to get in and warming the inside. mine also rattled :( not nice.

weigh up the cost of selling your window ones and having them replaced with panels. You may even make some money due to windows being more sought after AND not having to buy/make grilles for them.

also remember to much airflow in arid conditions will cause a vacuum and suck dust/sand through openings and past seals.

i have got mud side windows in mine have a look at my blog and you will see what i mean.
Thanks Guy's, think I'm going to put in panels, overall seems much easier.

Think the blind spot windows are a good idea too, however Mud Stuff don't do them anymore, any idea's
try looking at kit kar centres, we did up a vw beetle into a pannel van with a similar looking not sure of a web site but im sure a google should through up something good.
ill be doing a complete black out in my 110 to change it to a commercial and unfortunately got to weld plates which is going to **** me off due to visability,so say the mot centre.
I like the extra vis. of windows, I can't see of a benefit other than security - which I've never worried about in Africa. Might change my tune back in England.
I like the extra vis. of windows, I can't see of a benefit other than security - which I've never worried about in Africa. Might change my tune back in England.

Good to have a vote for windows, because I need some viz, and those blind spot windows seem to have dissapeared.

I thought Griff had a point about convection heating of the interior, did you not have any issues with heat in the cab ?

and I hear the guys get robbed alot in morocco, so if you are passing through there keep an eye out for skebengas ;)
Its all very minor really! heat/security/vis. you can deal with it all with either panels or windows. when I bought my 90, I had no preference over station wagon or van. mine just came up so i bought it. personal choice and see how much it costs either way.

a note on Morocco, a friend we met at Portsmouth dock prior to departure stopped overnight in Algerciras and had the rear quater window smashed and they got in and stole his clothes, camping stove, pots, chair etc etc etc. he riveted the seatbox cover plate over it for the duration in Morocco, but it still happens. Get some security grilles at the very least.

He's driving to SA now to return the borrowed chair to a SA couple we met! what an excuse! haha :D

If I had to I'd get grills. But I've often paid someone to watch my car for the night. Give 'em left over cooked food (I always cook local style wherever I am) and give them cash in the morning for looking out for the car.

I've been hot in 'barb but never cold. That's about to change I think. When it's really hot we drive with the two front windows wide open but never the back - it was 49C in Sudan but you just get used to it.

Arrived in Italy today. ****ing freezing.
a note on Morocco, a friend we met at Portsmouth dock prior to departure stopped overnight in Algerciras and had the rear quater window smashed and they got in and stole his clothes, camping stove, pots, chair etc etc etc. he riveted the seatbox cover plate over it for the duration in Morocco, but it still happens. Get some security grilles at the very least.


You say "a note on Morocco" but Algerciras is in Spain. I think the statement is a little misleading for people who have not made the journey before and may worry them unessacarily . I know what you mean, and it may well have been a Moroccan living in Algerciras who broke in, there are enough of them there, but I think it just gives the wrong impression, which I´m sure wasn´t your intention to give.

Security is an issue everywhere, but Morocco, IMHO, is much less of a risk than Europe. The stakes are too high for the people who live there.

They´ll hassle you endlessly, and heaven help you if you break down and need help because they´ll see you as a huge stranded `cash-cow` and milk you for everything.

But this sort of crime against people who are so obviously tourists I don´t think happens.

Has anyone had any experience of being robbed or broken into in Morocco, I would like to know genuinely.
I have side windows because that's just how they came really - but the extra ventalation and visbility is welcomed. I have waffle boards bolted over the top of them - I guess that is a sort of security guard!

What about the cab? Are you not concerned with them breaking in there and stealing the car? Just thinking why people are concerned about side and rear guards when they can get in the front!
Good Question :D Not sure if I have the right answer, but my feeling is that in Africa/Morocco their are many more opportunist thieves that would just smash a window and grab valubles without a thought. So by securing the back you deter that !

I also intend to have some anti theft protection in the front, maybe a steering lock or something.

On the side panels I kept the windows because I couldn't find any of those blind spot windows anywhere, and I need the visibility. (Mod Land Rovers have terrible vis out of the off side mirror due to the sliding window handle being bang in the middle of the line of site to the mirror)

I also like the idea of bolting sand ladders/waffle boards over the top of the windows. Rusty did you go with a manfactured mount, or just make something up ?
Nother question for you Rusty, why the camo net draped over the windows, is that for cooling ?
I also like the idea of bolting sand ladders/waffle boards over the top of the windows. Rusty did you go with a manfactured mount, or just make something up ?

Threaded rod and a some big ass square washers
Nother question for you Rusty, why the camo net draped over the windows, is that for cooling ?

Cooling...not heard that one! There is no good reason for it really! Does work well as a roof-cargo-net though! And the military of various countries find it quite interesting.
You say "a note on Morocco" but Algerciras is in Spain. I think the statement is a little misleading for people who have not made the journey before and may worry them unessacarily . I know what you mean, and it may well have been a Moroccan living in Algerciras who broke in, there are enough of them there, but I think it just gives the wrong impression, which I´m sure wasn´t your intention to give.

Security is an issue everywhere, but Morocco, IMHO, is much less of a risk than Europe. The stakes are too high for the people who live there.

They´ll hassle you endlessly, and heaven help you if you break down and need help because they´ll see you as a huge stranded `cash-cow` and milk you for everything.

But this sort of crime against people who are so obviously tourists I don´t think happens.

Has anyone had any experience of being robbed or broken into in Morocco, I would like to know genuinely.[/QUOTE]

Yes ok you are geographically correct, but Algerciras is the port town from where you enter Morocco (or Ceuta the Spanish Enclave) so therefore it is very likely persons entering Morocco will pass through here!

You seem to have got my point wrong anyhow as the opening post was with regard to security guards on windows. I was pointing out that IF guards had been fitted then it would have been less likely to happen. I was not saying it was done by Moroccans, or even in Morocco. You seem to have taken my reply and made up your own question! :eek: :rolleyes:

I think it just gives the wrong impression, which I´m sure wasn´t your intention to give.

Well if they are not going to travel incase they lose some clothes or camping kit then they should question why they are travelling in Africa at all.

Do you think they would want to know about the 2 French overlanders who were killed there a few years ago whilst they wildcamped? oops.
i think you stand just as much chance of getting killed, shot or stabbed in england as you do anywhere else - Just get out there and see some of this amazing world!

I have security grills on the back door and the blind spot windows i also have a dog guard in the back just behind the seats that you can take down when you sleep in the back and we kept all our valuable stuff in one of 2 safes in the back. I made all the guards myself and wee cheap as chips.

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