Hi what i dont understand in these much improved modern times lol, is nobody seems to use Off side and nearside any more stops all the confusion, unless your motor is left hand drive of course:)

That's the point, I suspect. Everything is international now. Makes sense, I guess.
I know where your coming from there after I’ve finished mine I’m going to tot up the prices from all my invoices then burn them before the other half sees them

There cannot be much under there you haven't replaced now.
with my previous comment most people say driver side or passenger side now it you say OSF or NSF they get confused
Each to there own, i'm not an old tyre fitter nor am I confused, but the fact remains it is still used in the highway code and some road signage too if some people are getting confused with NS and OS lets not go there
Thunderbirds. It was a kids TV programme about the time people still used OS and NS and no-one had heard of an operating system.
I use it, I've lost count the number of times I've said, " mate your NS/OS brake light is out (delete as necessary) " usual response being, " which side? " :rolleyes:
Your right there grrrrr I’ve replaced nearly everything new it’s taking a long time because it’s in front garden and the poxy weather now + I’m away all week with work so only really get Saturdays now but no rush as the enemy says it’s a project doesn’t need to be worked on morning to night when I’ve done I will got up all the receipts and then realise I could have brought a new car

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