firstly i wud like to point out that this reply is not intended to be spam
but puerly for the advise as this is a question i get asked abought quite alot

sliders with tree bars are a good way of fitting heavy duty side steps as a lot of my customers buy them purely for this reson
but be warned wet sliders are verry slipery
but for a simple solution and also looks grate is apply some anti slip tape to the top of them ant then there absolutely fine wet or dry
most rock slider manufactures can do this for you (i do ) or you can simply buy it your self
i get it from a company near me called Arco im sure there stores are all over the uk
and yes there a bought 3" higher than the top of a standard disco step but still a perfect height as the standard disco step in my opinion is to low any way

and also another point worth making is most of us fit or intend to fit bigger tyres to our discos so when enquiering abought a set make shure you ask if thay can be made shorter to suit your cut down arches
ive suplyed sets with 5+" off eather end i think thay must hav fitted tyres off a masey furgison?????

Thanks for the advice! I don't think the wheel arches have been modified on mine, actually. I could be wrong, but 145/75R16 wouldn't need larger wheel arches, would they?

Either way, I could measure the distance just to make sure.

How much would a pair of fairly standard sliders/bars for a Disco cost from you, for example? And if you make them yourself, with the tree bars as low on the slider bars as possible...
dont meen to sound very awkward but like i sed before i wasnt intending to spam
all my contact numbers are on my website
its not hard to find
my username is part of the web adress

have a look at my site and make up your own desision
cool, well thanks for the info. needless to say, i may or may not end up buying them from yourself, but the info you gave is very useful, so thank you! :D
I'm enjoying the removeable step idea.

Could even have holes drilled halfway down, so that a smaller step can be fitted, as it would be difficult to store in the car at full length.

Could be an option, but tbh, there's nowt wrong with proper tree sliders!
I ordered some today so we will see what they are like when they arrive, anyone had one of his winch bumpers? any good?

here is the web address for anyone who is interested
Off Road Landrover Discovery/Range Rover* Rock & Tree Sliders

not had one prsonally but have been out laning with him and he has one fitted to his disco, its a nice piece of kit.

i had the sliders fitted to my disco and am getting them fitted to the 110 too, they had a good testing when we went to the peaks and worked well.

oh and he has just joined the forum too as rock-sliders ;)
rock sliders, dose your winch bumper fit a 300tdi with air con?, not that i know a lot about disco's but i think i read the air con rad can get in the way.
rock sliders, dose your winch bumper fit a 300tdi with air con?, not that i know a lot about disco's but i think i read the air con rad can get in the way.

Spoke to him this morning, hes busy blasting at the mo but may get on later.

The bumper will fit discos with air con and apparently they have now been redesigned to fit around the wings too.
firstly i wud like to point out that this reply is not intended to be spam
but puerly for the advise as this is a question i get asked abought quite alot

sliders with tree bars are a good way of fitting heavy duty side steps as a lot of my customers buy them purely for this reson
but be warned wet sliders are verry slipery
but for a simple solution and also looks grate is apply some anti slip tape to the top of them ant then there absolutely fine wet or dry
most rock slider manufactures can do this for you (i do ) or you can simply buy it your self
i get it from a company near me called Arco im sure there stores are all over the uk
and yes there a bought 3" higher than the top of a standard disco step but still a perfect height as the standard disco step in my opinion is to low any way

and also another point worth making is most of us fit or intend to fit bigger tyres to our discos so when enquiering abought a set make shure you ask if thay can be made shorter to suit your cut down arches
ive suplyed sets with 5+" off eather end i think thay must hav fitted tyres off a masey furgison?????

Fook me is that you Ian?

or has fat lad learned to use the computer ;)

nope thats not me, but I will be back producing again soon. I am finaly on the mend thanks to drugs and acupunture ;)

check the linky in my sig, prices are only a guide :)
right... back onto the topic of rock/tree sliders!

having removed my sill trims for the Waxoyl'ing and bashed the side steps a couple more times (to the point where the drivers side one is only usable at the very front because the back is nearly snapped off), i've decided I need to get rid of them.

I don't believe my wheel arches have been extended, but can anyone tell me what the distance between the front of the rear arch and the back of the front arch should be, so I can compare?

Also... it's had a 2" lift and has 145/75R16 tyres. I believe all that should be done for those tyres is trimming the back of the rear arch, but that's never actually been done and it doesn't seem to have clipped it.
I don't believe my wheel arches have been extended, but can anyone tell me what the distance between the front of the rear arch and the back of the front arch should be, so I can compare?

Also... it's had a 2" lift and has 145/75R16 tyres. I believe all that should be done for those tyres is trimming the back of the rear arch, but that's never actually been done and it doesn't seem to have clipped it.

how do you mean extended? wheel arch extensions are just a kit that attach to your original wings to make them wider as far as i know and it is easy to tell if you do or dont have them. if you are wondering if the arches have been modded then just a quick look will tell all as you will be able to see if anything has been cut away.

if you are running on 245/75 then you may well get away with just the lift unless you are doing some serious articulation which could cause slight rubbing. TBH i ran 265/75 mud tyres on mine with no lift, camel cut to rear and modified front bumper end caps and had no problems at all when laning.
ok... well it looks like nothing's been cut away at all... not even the camel cut!

on that basis, I suspect full-length disco sliders will do the job!

just for peace of mind, though, does anyone know what the measurement from the back of the front arch to the front of the rear arch should be? I'm sure it will be obvious if something has been cut away, but this being my first ever Landy, i've nothing to compare it to............ and it'd be a shame to spend £150 on something that's an inch too long. :D
hi mate

yeah i can measure my disco tomorrow, i fited the extended arches which do cut away quite a bit from your front wing and rear door - probs about 50mm each end.

i then had rocksliders made to correct length :)

ok... well it looks like nothing's been cut away at all... not even the camel cut!

on that basis, I suspect full-length disco sliders will do the job!

just for peace of mind, though, does anyone know what the measurement from the back of the front arch to the front of the rear arch should be? I'm sure it will be obvious if something has been cut away, but this being my first ever Landy, i've nothing to compare it to............ and it'd be a shame to spend £150 on something that's an inch too long. :D

Mine is 66 1/2". I have just fitted a set of rock/tree sliders and must admit i thought i was going to be easier then it was, Having a second pair of hands will help and you will need to drill holes in the sill and also in the chassis if you get the same one as i did. If you can get a hand from someone that has fitted them before it would be a good idea.
yeah they can be a pain, definitely a 2 man job, ideally someone whos done them before n all!
ok... thanks for all the advice, people.

I think the best idea would be to just measure the length I need and give that to the manufacturer/seller.

Good to know I'll need to drill holes etc... too. Didn't know that! Also good to know two pairs of hands would be handy.

Are the complicated to fit, or just fiddly? Or is it just the case that it's easy to get it wrong and then have to weld up the chassis again?
if your disco isnt modified then the standard sliders will be fine.

not so much complicated to fit but they are quite heavy and would help to have a second pair of hands to keep them in place when lining them up for drilling.
Yeah they're not difficult to fit, it's just drill here drill there

But they're bastard heavy, and I found that once I tightened up my chassis mount bolts it twisted the slider round a bit, so my sill holes were slightly wrong. Doh!

But I got all the bolts in, had to elongate a few holes, then tightened everything up and they've been sweet as. So other than a bit of jiggery pokery, you should have no probs.

For reference, the length of my sliders top corner to top corner is 64", they are also curved to match the shape of the bottom edge of the doors.

Here's a fitted pic


ok, the distance between the back of the front wheel arch and the front of the rear arch on my standard, non modified vehicle is 170.5cm / 67 1/8 inches.

This appears to be longer than every other vehicle that measurements have been given for. Presumably this is because the other vehicles have been modified.

So... I have 145/75R16 tyres and a 2" lift. According to "", I should cut the back of the rear arch. This has never been done, but it's irrelevant as far as the rock sliders are concerned.

How long are regular bars/sliders? I'm struggling to find any dimensions on eBay...
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If you measure the length of the standard plastic sill trim, that is the same length as standard sliders.

I have cut down my old sill trims before I fitted sliders so cannot confirm.

To anyone measuring sill trims, if they are not closed off at the ends (they have open ends) then they have been cut down (they are hollow)

You can cut down sliders if you needed to in future sponge, but tbh if you are thinking you will EVER want to fit big tyres, then you may aswell do the arches now and have the sliders made to size.

Cheers :)

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