
New Member
Gday guys
I have a good solid bullbar on my disco 2 because of the high kangaroo population hereabouts, but they are far more likely to run into the side of the vehicle than in front of it, so I was wondering if there was a way to fit side rails to a set of steel side steps up to the bullbar to protect the guards without affecting the airbags. Any one done it/seen it done?
Any thoughts?
you could go for an external roll cage i guess, but it would look a bit odd and probably wouldnt cover everywhere you want covering. :)
Does kangaroo related damage occur that often out there? i know bull bars are common place because of it but i always thought it was more of a just in case.
Kangaroo damage is a real threat all the time. Small amounts of water gather at the edges of the roads so the grass (if any) is right on the edge of the road. Kangaroos also travel distances to get to water and that often means across roads. Between here and Kalgoorlie (250 klms) its not uncommon to see a dead kangaroo or emu every kilometre or so, and on the outskirts of a town there can be 8-10 in a 20 yard stretch.

They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer either, they can bounce out following one of their mates and bang into the side of you! As they say, its not the one you see, its his mate following him that will #$% you up.

Lots of folks just dont drive after dusk, unless its at a crawl. Between my house and the town centre its about 3 klms, and we can see up to 50 of the little buggars on the sides of the road pleasantly munching on the shoots, you just have to take it easy.

The 55-60 metre Roadtrains ( 4 semi trailers joined together) dont worry about them and they do most of the carnage at night, just a little thud on the bull bar, but if you were in a sedan, they can stuff you up pretty bad.

Cheerful eh?
i've hit a badger before, and a deer ran into the side of my mates honda civic. wont divulge the rest of the story as its not the nicest but i find it funny :D

get some photo's of kangaroos near your landy mate! only seen one in a zoo as i've not been to austrailia yet, well not other than discharging crude from a ship there and i didnt manage to get ashore that time :(
Live ones or Dead ones? lmao

If they are dead ones they might have Eagles feeding on them. I will see what I can do. Then have to figure out how to post a pic!..
I was driving from Alice to Ayres rock in a Toyota corrolla (Seca in Aus) and saw a kangaroo bouncing alongside of the road. When I caught up with it I slowed to the same sort of speed and closely tailed it for some distance. Absolutely awesome sight, but no-one told me how quickly they can turn!

Luckily, I was quick on the brakes.

Also, no-where in the guide books did it say "don't pick up Abbo's who have broken down at the side of the road" .... so I did! Smelly buggers but had no problem, they were proper grateful for the lift. The woman who owned the B&B we were staying in was gobsmacked, reckons she's never heard of anyone doing anything so stupid!
A bat hit me on the chest when i was out on my motorbike a few years back.

Heck..they stink!!!!
:D lol. Worst one was when i was followin my mate and his sump plug fell out..back wheel kicked the oil up and muggins here got well and truely waterproofed!!


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