Fitted LED bulbs in std fittings, mostly a waste of time, thiey either got water i and failed. Also the stop tail ones only work with a live on the stop or tail, if they get a live on both they go out. fine in modern cars where the stop switch cuts the tail but useless on a series and cost me hours of trying to work out what was going on.
I've tried cheap LED's and they are cheap for a reason, ie they are rubbish. The one's i've used in the TVR's and Landy are around £15-18 each and have lasted well. They have also fitted with no issue. I've just put some rear indicator bulbs in the TVR, as the lights are way brighter than the indicator, and they are really good - bright and do not flash faster without any need to change wiring/relays etc.
indicator bulbs:
stop/tail (although I think the pins are opposite and at the same height which I think is bulb 1156, not 1157 shown here, but can't see the 1156 anymore?:
Right, so I've fitted the new rear brake / side light holders and got some news bulbs. The motor factor only had Lucas bulbs on show behind the counter but when asked said he had another brand out back; these ones were Ring. We had a look at both side by side; there wasn't much in it to be honest, both were the dimple rather than proper bayonet type as referred to earlier but I reckon the Ring's had a bit more definition to them so I went with them. They fitted ok too without too much drama and seem to hold tight. The more I think of it I'm sure i just wacked the bulbs in originally which screwed up the holder. Ah well, live and learn.

The fronts I think are probably buggered too but I managed to wodge the bulbs in for the moment.

Thanks for the assistance chaps.
Swapped one of the side lights today and got the cables mixed up. No, I am not colourblind, just daft and tired after a long day at work. Smoke and heat ensued, but I managed to stop it in time before I buggered up anything else. Now sorted, and oh how bright things turned out to be! However, it is apparent that the motor needs new looms throughout, they are bone dry. But what the hell, it's just money.
I fixed the wires up too, only the brake and side lights, so the side lights were brighter than the brakes.

I've ordered my Lucas smoke kit but haven't fitted it yet! :D

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