
New Member
How come the majority of people in this world want something for nothing, yet if i want something I'm prepared to work for it ?

Got the landrover up for sale and some prick tried to break into it 2 days ago outside my girlfriends no damage done but they obviously know that the locks can basically be opened with any generic small enough key, they where scared of by the alarm thats linked to a 2 tone horn that stays on when triggered :D

makes me so angry!

whats it going to take to get good morals back and mutual respect across the board ?

Not nice but a few scrotes dont make a majority, thankfully

I hear what your saying and i find it humbling that you would make a statement like that to try and restore faith in humanity but I'm not just talking about the little dickheads who tried my landrover,

I mean people have lost general respect for each other, everyone has lost manners.

Everyone feels hard done by ! like the world owes them something !
I completely agree. No one does anything for each other anymore unless there is something in it for them.
I completely agree. No one does anything for each other anymore unless there is something in it for them.

I work with the general public every day *psv driver* and its a ####in joke, hate the selfish majority and although people say that you shouldn't let it tarnish your view on people it does.

There aren't enough genuinely nice people around to make me think that they make up for the assholes.
Blame the parents, and the politically correct climate we live in.

We're not allowed to discipline poor little johnny anymore
and when he see's the politicians and banks robbing us blind
he thinks, well why can't I.

Wire up a bloody great capacitor up to your door handles
There are some nice people around although, I agree, they are a dying breed.

When a nice person comes along you automatically think they are Tryna fleece you because it's not normal !

But then hey it's Britain a ####ed society and a corrupt system.

The ironic thing is everyone sits there watching the news commenting on how ####ed all the other country's "the country's that are fighting eatchother" when really they only have to look at their local politics and see it's happening over here too!

The sad fact is they get away with it! Needs to be stopped !!!
Living in a technologically driven society does it. We're conditioned to thinking there is a solution to everything, a digital device to make all aspects of our lives utopian, everything is brilliant and cheap. So cheap, in fact, it should be for nothing. Bring back Pol Pot, he had the alternative idea!:fencing:
Soo , probably because it's advertised but it's 00.13 and someone just now tried to have a pop at the landrover again

Again no damage alarm scared them off I need rid of it :( bringin unwanted attention !!!

If they come back tho my account will probably lay dormant for about a life sentence if this forums still running I'll check in when I get out !!!

Anyone wanna buy the landrover need a quick sale open to offers !!

Take the wheels off and stick it on bricks, will certainly stop the oppurtunist idiots, which they must be to keep trying.
Also remove steering wheel.
Obviously no good for a daily driver!
Well the last time it tried to be broken into 3 days ago the steering wheel was out of it so they must either have some wacky cunning plan on are so fuxkin stupid they didn't realise
Probably the later - most criminals are thick as pig **** hence they can't get a job and afford their own landrover. But fail not , our government will keep robbing us to keep them in a house , so they can moan about how they don't get enough of our money and steal from hardworking people ! I actually went away for the weekend and half expected the landrover to be missing when I got back , luckily it's still here :)

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