
New Member
hi guys, i have just bought a td4 52 plate lastweek and seem to have a problem about 50 to 60 mph there seems to be a vibration in the front somewhere that travels up the gear stick and makes the gear stick vibrate side to side severly,it also seems to travel but not as severe through the steering wheel.checked tyre pressures all ok.any ideas would be gratefully recieved:(
had the same problem with mine, only shudderd under load. take my foot off accelerater and it would be fine. clutchdust correctly diagnosed worn front drive shafts.
Was just going to mention about the drive shafts, damnit, my other car had a problem where it would vibrate at about 40mph when you took your foot off the accelerator, put it back on or brake ever so slightly and the noise went away.
do freelanders suffer from drive shaft problems. it only starts to vibrate through the gear shift at about 50-60 ,only slightly through the steering wheel.i dont know what else it can be.if i accelarate it does it more if i back off it calms down ?

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