Cheers Jacko hoping to get their soon and sort it out

any heads up would be good but dont go out of ya way too far

I am new on here but have been following this thread until I finally went to pick up my disco that I bought from a mate down south.......

I would really like to go round some of the Shropshire lanes (Cwms Lane looks good!)

Not keen on going alone or breaking it first time out so is anybody about and fancy it one weekend??

My disco is standard with Avon ranger tyres but lo range and diff locks all work! I have been green laning before and done pay and play days but it was a while ago and in a Vitara.... Sorry.:eek:

Anyway, any assistance or company for a day would be great!

All the best, Andy
Going out next Thurs but some lanes are a bit rough. Do Shrops regularly just keep an eye on thread and join in the fun.

I am new on here but have been following this thread until I finally went to pick up my disco that I bought from a mate down south.......

I would really like to go round some of the Shropshire lanes (Cwms Lane looks good!)

Not keen on going alone or breaking it first time out so is anybody about and fancy it one weekend??

My disco is standard with Avon ranger tyres but lo range and diff locks all work! I have been green laning before and done pay and play days but it was a while ago and in a Vitara.... Sorry.:eek:

Anyway, any assistance or company for a day would be great!

All the best, Andy

Same as me. hopefully I can tag along on the next not so ruff lanes, never done it before so don't wanna jump in the deep end and break it.
Anyone fancy either 17th or 18th May??
Would be great to get someone along who knows the lanes if possible?
Struggle with Thursday as I have to go to work.....Boooooo!
Will sort out meet point and time later. Will you have passenger to do gates? Will be much better trip out if you have.
Thanks jacobscreek.
Yep I will have a passenger. My Mrs wants to come and have a go so one of us will be in passenger seat all the way through......
Looking forward to it!!
Thanks for coming to show us the way!
Would be good to have you along too SteveT247!
Sounds good, me and the missus would be up for it. If we can get her mum on baby sitting duties for the day. :D

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