Landies or a mix ?

been havign a lot of problems up bucknell recently

i should have been up there this weekend for some repairs but most guys off to eastnor
I wanted to go to eastnor but the misses is at work, mixed few range rovers and discos.
If it's the lads I've encountered over there a few times, they are good lads. Usually cars of families. Always in well kitted straight cars. When they get to any lengthy lane they split in half (if it's the same gang)
Landies or a mix ?

been havign a lot of problems up bucknell recently

i should have been up there this weekend for some repairs but most guys off to eastnor

The group that passed my house were exclusively Land Rover products , mostly Rangies .

I've just come back from the woods and people have been driving where they shouldn't . There is evidence of vehicles driving on footpaths/bridleways , flattening bluebells and lighting a bonfire in the middle of a track singeing the leaves of the oak next to it (though this could have been anyone) . I have not driven up there for nearly 15 years so can't comment on for how long this has been going on , but my wife who rides up there regularly says that one track has become virtually unpassable by foot or horse over the weekend .

Not a good advert for offroaders .
Remora can you tell me which FOOTPATH / BRIDLEWAY you are referring to please. Its maybe something I can take a look at to help get sorted.

Aka the area that is having the problems is Bucknell woods area the BOAT runs E-W
Landies or a mix ?

been havign a lot of problems up bucknell recently

i should have been up there this weekend for some repairs but most guys off to eastnor

If you need a hand with repairs and stuff give us a shout I'm happy to help if I can 👍
Remora can you tell me which FOOTPATH / BRIDLEWAY you are referring to please. Its maybe something I can take a look at to help get sorted.

Aka the area that is having the problems is Bucknell woods area the BOAT runs E-W

I am referring to some of the tracks within Bucknell Woods , one of which is a dedicated bridle way ( according to my wife ) . We found the bridle way sign propped up against a tree having been taken out of the ground . A section of this bridle way has been churned up to such an extent that a pedestrian would probably sink up to their calves in mud . My wife started to ride through it this morning ( Monday) but turned back because her horse started to shy . There is undergrowth both sides so not easy to circumvent . I did take some photos but being new here I haven't had time to work out how to upload them yet .

As the byway itself is just a boring forestry track it is understandable why people do go off piste to get get their wheels muddy but it doesn't endear themselves to the locals .

If you want to meet up there at some point to have a look for yourself I would be happy to do so .
Remora and Aka . I am up at Stow Hill Bucknell at 9:30 this coming Sunday (area we call sheep dip) . There's a few of us doing some repairs up there. You are more then welcome to come along then can go look at the woods after. There's a few tracks but just the one legal vehicular row up there if I recall. Sounds like people been going off and playing. It's one thing to get lost and go off track but something else completely to go causing a mess. I would need to check to say for definite what has caused the mess. Mud that deep is normally a result of pooling water. Most 4x4 wouldn't be able to get through either. Have they been doing any logging up there ? Logging machines cause horrendous damage . But I can't say either way till we go take a look. Even if we sign it up its unlikely the dick heads who ruin it for the legal 99% of us would take any notice. Still until I get a look at it I am just speculating right now. You have to upload pic to a site like Flickr then copy the link into these forums .
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You could try the local papers . The Hereford Times usually has a fairly comprehensive motor section . Not Shropshire , I know , but if you are travelling to Leominster then it is easy enough to get one .
Try the for sale section on here, might be not so local but worth traveling for the right motor, you'll get a more honest description as well :)
Hi, thanks will look at that auction place. I've not looked at eBay, just auto trader
You can pick up a decent deal at Brightwells, just depends who's after what on the day. If you go on their site and look at past auctions, there's a list of vehicles that have gone through in the past month or so and how much they went for, just to give you an idea. Downside of the auction is you don't get to drive it before hand, upside is you're covered if it later turns out to be a ringer (not a bad idea with a Defender).
That's great info thanks. Did not realize that you can be covered at an auction.
I looked at them and they have the right vehicles in my budget by the looks. Thanks for the heads up.

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