
Well-Known Member
well i know some will look at this in disbelief:eek:and some are going to cry:oops:

but its true,2005 123,000 miles just
( still being worked on )
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just the same, clean as a whistle
Yours must be the only 16yr old vehicle of any marque that has absolutely no rust, or corrosion, of any type? Has it been wrapped in bubble wrap all it's life, only unwrapped to go on the rollers to up the mileage?
We live in the UK, every vehicle meets salt and crap in every day life. When did the previous owner have it done?
@dwarfer not trying to have a go, but you need a closer look at your arches. All of the arch. The photos you posted previously show yours to be a lot worse than mine, and we can all see what was lurking behind.
Don't be fooled by the bit you are showing photos of or by what you think is nothing on the rest of it. I really wish I had taken photos of mine, so that people can understand, how good they can look , whilst hiding a nightmare!
@dwarfer not trying to have a go, but you need a closer look at your arches. All of the arch. The photos you posted previously show yours to be a lot worse than mine, and we can all see what was lurking behind.
Don't be fooled by the bit you are showing photos of or by what you think is nothing on the rest of it. I really wish I had taken photos of mine, so that people can understand, how good they can look , whilst hiding a nightmare!View attachment 249928
This is sounding more and more like sour grapes,but you are forgiven for being totally wrong.
you have shown a dirty car,nothing else.
(its my mistake for photographing the car unclean and you jumping to an incorrect conclusion)
at the time of that photo i was moving a few items in to a new house that had not had the final black top put down for the road surface,and was consequently muddy and dirty..ergo dirty car.
and no, mine is nothing like your horror story.
My photo in my post its just a photo of what mine is like,
no boasting just enjoying knowing that one part on my car does not need my undivided attention or any more money spent on it,
then i can concentrate on the other mechanical items that i want to be perfect too.
surely lr/ rr made a few good ones,even if yours isnt.
in that photo you are showing, it is highlighting dirt, nothing else
the car was not cleaned in that photo at that time, and subsequent photos of the car showing those latest wheels on it clearly show no dirt or rust/corrosion.
see attached two photos
feel free to zoom in and try and find something on the cleaned car,
as i have said in respect of the body this is a good one,
and the reason why i am very reluctant to buy a later one knowing that more than likely it wont be as clean
if it is driven and it gets wet or even muddy i just clean it off, using de ionized water,
( what the window cleaners around here use, no salts chlorine etc ) it dries clear,with no spotting or blemishes and makes life much easier
leather it and polish it, i try to get all areas cleaned and no debris caught anywhere so not to cause any later problems down the road.
it was not a bad car when i bought it but i did spend time putting right that what wasnt up to my standards
View attachment 249936 View attachment 249939
This is sounding more and more like sour grapes,but you are forgiven for being totally wrong.
you have shown a dirty car,nothing else.
(its my mistake for photographing the car unclean and you jumping to an incorrect conclusion)
at the time of that photo i was moving a few items in to a new house that had not had the final black top put down for the road surface,and was consequently muddy and dirty..ergo dirty car.
and no, mine is nothing like your horror story.
My photo in my post its just a photo of what mine is like,
no boasting just enjoying knowing that one part on my car does not need my undivided attention or any more money spent on it,
then i can concentrate on the other mechanical items that i want to be perfect too.
surely lr/ rr made a few good ones,even if yours isnt.
in that photo you are showing, it is highlighting dirt, nothing else
the car was not cleaned in that photo at that time, and subsequent photos of the car showing those latest wheels on it clearly show no dirt or rust/corrosion.
see attached two photos
feel free to zoom in and try and find something on the cleaned car,
as i have said in respect of the body this is a good one,
and the reason why i am very reluctant to buy a later one knowing that more than likely it wont be as clean
if it is driven and it gets wet or even muddy i just clean it off, using de ionized water,
( what the window cleaners around here use, no salts chlorine etc ) it dries clear,with no spotting or blemishes and makes life much easier
leather it and polish it, i try to get all areas cleaned and no debris caught anywhere so not to cause any later problems down the road.
it was not a bad car when i bought it but i did spend time putting right that what wasnt up to my standards
View attachment 249936 View attachment 249939

It is not sour grapes. I am painfully honest, about anything that happens with the Golden Girl, in an attempt to help others. It is up to them whether they take it on board or not.
If you have the only L322 that I have ever seen, and anyone on these pages has ever owned or worked on, without any rust, whatsoever, as you claim, then brilliant and more power to your elbow, but you have been being boastful ;)
On which note: the area I highlighted looks far from 'just dirt'. It is your choice to say otherwise, and if you are denying it, I without malice or sarcasm, wish you luck.
You have put a lot of time, energy, and possibly money into it ,and deserve years of happy motoring.
Take care of yourself, stay well, and keep on motoring. :)
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It is not sour grapes. If you have the only L322 that I have ever seen, and anyone on these pages has ever owned or worked on, without any rust, whatsoever, as you claim then brilliant and more power to your elbow, but you have been being boastful ;)
On which note: the area I highlighted looks far from 'just dirt'. It is your choice to say otherwise, and if you are denying it, I without malice or sarcasm, wish you luck.
Take care of yourself, stay well, and keep on motoring. :)
when i finish next week i will get the macro lens out and take more photos,but check the attached ones ( weather permitting)
it is as i say a good one,
i wouldnt lie to anyone about any of my endeavors, its not perfect,more an ongoing work in progress,
boastful, not really i was hoping to see others the same better or worse, rather like the thread show us your wheels..
ive no axe to grind nor am i pushing a sell etc,check the later photos, admittedly my mobile phone is donkeys years old and doesnt take a good photo compared to my sons, i will see if he can show the car..
on the subject of what lurks beneath..on my list of endless work.. i forgot to say that summer last year i had both the inner arch plastic liner trims out, ( checking valves and using ldf ) nothing more than a couple of scabs around some fittings, but carried out intensive clean and paint after watching youtube man doing the same with a rare autobiography model and then the arch protective trim, i waited to the summer as it made the liner more subtle to maneuver out with out chipping paint and causing problems
when i finish next week i will get the macro lens out and take more photos,but check the attached ones ( weather permitting)
it is as i say a good one,
i wouldnt lie to anyone about any of my endeavors, its not perfect,more an ongoing work in progress,
boastful, not really i was hoping to see others the same better or worse, rather like the thread show us your wheels..
ive no axe to grind nor am i pushing a sell etc,check the later photos, admittedly my mobile phone is donkeys years old and doesnt take a good photo compared to my sons, i will see if he can show the car..
on the subject of what lurks beneath..on my list of endless work.. i forgot to say that summer last year i had both the inner arch plastic liner trims out, ( checking valves and using ldf ) nothing more than a couple of scabs around some fittings, but carried out intensive clean and paint after watching youtube man doing the same with a rare autobiography model and then the arch protective trim, i waited to the summer as it made the liner more subtle to maneuver out with out chipping paint and causing problems
No need for photos. If you say it's perfect, then it's perfect.
Of all the things in the world that are important, this is not one ;)
Stay safe :)

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