
New Member
just a quick question for td4 owners when you first start your motor do your revs move slightly up and down a few times or dose it find a spot and stay there?

mine moves up and down and i think it is a problem but maybe this is what they do ?
Mine moves up and down for a few seconds by a couple of hundred rpm - its just the ECU and injectors doing their compensation bit I suspect.
What did you ask the Indy to do? I will pay more attention to the little bit of smoke I get on start up next time I start mine...
Could just be the excess fuel (cold start) device giving extra fuel. Mine revs up slightly but soon settles down, doesn't do it when hot start.
would this cause the engine to fail to start ?

No but a faulty LP pump (either in tank or under bonnet or if later model in O/S/R wheel arch) or MAF, injector or cam/camshaft sensor will. Cam/camshaft sensors usually fail when engine is hot, MAF can fail anytime as can injectors. Try disconnecting the MAF and see if the engine runs better, if it does then this points towards a faulty MAF. Can you hear the LP pump running when you switch on the ignition, if not then this points towards the LP pump. (fault can be intermittent) Have a read up, using the search facility, the how to check for injector leak back as this could also be your problem. This is all guesswork as without being able to see the fault makes accurate diagnosis nearly impossible.
Good luck.
i have another thread in the freelander engine forum at the moment and have listed some of the things change which include

fuel pressure sensor and harness
lift pump (what ever pump that is )
leak back test carried out ( 1 injector needed changed and was done)
camshalft sensor was being changed but i havent heard anything from dealer so that probly didnt work.

when you say disconect the maf is this done while the engine is running or can it be disconected and then started up
No you just need to unplug the MAF and then restart the engine. The engine will then run on the ECU presets and not the MAF signal. If performance improves then this points towards a faulty MAF, if not just plug it back in.

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