
Well-Known Member
As per title, should LZIR be hidden from google searches, I.e a section of the forum that is only visible (and searchable) once you have joined and hit a certain number of posts or something?

Seems to me people join the forum purely to seek recovery, and often don’t even drive the marque and disappear afterwards. on occasion they have also been off piste, which raises concerns.

I am not sure this is the point of LZIR, admittedly I am not a prolific rescuer and have only really helped people i have been laning with, but I chafe slightly at people joining just to get recovery and feel less willing to help them than say a forum ‘regular’.

Now, some will say that if people need help, they need help, but we can’t help everyone and frankly people joining for the sole purpose of a free rescue then contributing nothing back is a bit off in my book.

By making that section of the site not visible to google searches etc then that may combat that, and mean users of LZIR are genuine forum members who are likely to pay it back and help others etc.

Fine by me. To be honest, I am not concerned too much. We could always say no, and point them towards FB.
I still maintain it should be up to the discretion of any responders as to whether they take any or what action.
I maintain that we are here purely to disseminate information to those involved. It is not a LZ organisation and we need to ensure that we don’t create “rules”, only guidance.
Keeping crap off a potential recovery thread is a different matter.
I can see your point, and there was at least one thread that I watched that should probably not have happened, but I can see another side.

I think that I'm probably not alone in seeing some of the requests and deciding that if I was in that area I'd probably be washing my hair that day and not replying. Frinstance, I wouldn't be lifting a finger for someone who'd deliberately gone off piste, or any number of self-inflicted problems that a half wit might have avoided. On the other hand, I'd drop everything for someone who was in any way vulnerable whatever they drove, however they got there and whatever websites they'd signed up to.
I think it has to be pointed out that this is being discussed elsewhere, and the process of how LZIR operates has also been discussed, in fact behind the scenes it's regularly discussed and refined before, during and after almost every recovery call. We try to refine everything we ask or do with a view to a successful and safe recovery.

As for thread bloat ... There are already certain people who will ask particular questions, for which we need specific answers, so whilst many people 'chip in', unless they have anything to add, it'd help if they didn't post ANYTHING unless they have extra, specific, perhaps local knowledge. The LZIR threads are NOT a discussion area.

If any member hasn't been asked by MHM or BB to ask certain questions on LZIR, then I'd prefer they kept their discussions elsewhere than LZIR.
Nothing to add really apart from hoping that those who read this and think "bloody snobs" when we mention marque or "well you'd ask anyone if you were in need" when we talk about the LZ community at large also consider the not insignificant amount of effort that goes into greasing the wheels to keep the show on the road for genuine contributors and forum users.
I'm far from a snob and have many countless hours helping folks out from the goodness of my heart but at some point we have to set a benchmark of commitment before we mobilize to set those wheels in motion.

Time for tea and a bit of relaxation before the morons come back to work :)
Poor show. Elitist nonsense. Miserable old farts. It’s all about me. Self importance. Snobbery.

May be so. I know. Let’s recomend GLASS is only available to the pre educated. Let’s hide away with our ball and let no body else play with it.

The last thread was perfect.
It helped, it educated and it was fun and informative. Unlike those given a little blue badge to make them feel special.

Get a grip girls :rolleyes:
Poor show. Elitist nonsense. Miserable old farts. It’s all about me. Self importance. Snobbery.

May be so. I know. Let’s recomend GLASS is only available to the pre educated. Let’s hide away with our ball and let no body else play with it.

The last thread was perfect.
It helped, it educated and it was fun and informative. Unlike those given a little blue badge to make them feel special.

Get a grip girls :rolleyes:
Please read the second post on this thread: https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/stuck-sos.336377/
We are 'in negotiations'...
So there you have it guys.
We are having the desision made for us if it’s what we want or not. So much for an open forum. It seems those that are more equal than the others are making some more rules up for us all to adhere to.

What a load of cock.

If it’s too hard for you then don’t volunteer yourself for the task. This help thread has turned into a fiasco and not by those reassuring the stuck or making it a light hearted help thread. Self scaremongering and over egging the rules will make it impossible to educate those ignorant to the dangers of green landing and put off those needing a lift with a breakdown.

This is the last place I would turn to for help coz your all crawling that far up your own backsides you have lost the light.

Pathetic you can’t give a bit of advice without wanting to pretend your running the RAC.
Pre warning an unprepared guest that they are about to be subjected to the Spanish Inquesition from prefects tasked with making up worst case scenarios is the kind thing to do.

It obviously grates and am sorry I stole your spotlight.

I will let you post first in the future to safeguard your importance.
So there you have it guys.
We are having the desision made for us if it’s what we want or not. So much for an open forum. It seems those that are more equal than the others are making some more rules up for us all to adhere to.

What a load of cock.

If it’s too hard for you then don’t volunteer yourself for the task. This help thread has turned into a fiasco and not by those reassuring the stuck or making it a light hearted help thread. Self scaremongering and over egging the rules will make it impossible to educate those ignorant to the dangers of green landing and put off those needing a lift with a breakdown.

This is the last place I would turn to for help coz your all crawling that far up your own backsides you have lost the light.

Pathetic you can’t give a bit of advice without wanting to pretend your running the RAC.
Are you not involved in the discussions?
As a relative new member, and not an especially prolific poster, I would like to comment that LZIR well and truly saved my bacon a couple of weeks back.
Over my last 10 years of Land Rover ownership I have often helped broken down/stuck vehicles of different marques, I guess its just part of being a Land Rover owner? In these situations it has always been a case of a personal judgement call, if it looks like it could turn into a nightmare because its dangerous/the victim looks like they might want to sue you/assault you/whatever else, there is no hard and fast rule that you have to help. I have variously towed bedford rascals, 44ton artics (in the snow, for only a short distance), broken farm machinery, bits of trees - you name it.
I appreciate that not everyone would want to risk their vehicle or feel comfortable doing this, but there are also some that would.

If a blanket ban on non member recovery is enforced doesn't that kind of restrict the amount of goodwill we are able to offer to the wider community?

With regard to the post last night, I have dealt/worked with a lot of farmers over the years, and rightly or wrongly would have been happy to risk nipping up that lane to give that 4x4 a tug, confident that if anything awkward arose I could negotiate my way out of it. That is my choice, other members would clearly differ. I would have treated the whole thing as a bit of a jolly with the added benefit of being able to help someone.

Sorry bit of a waffle hope it makes sense.

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