Tronicus Maximus

New Member
Me boys due on 17th of june.....Prior to this we were having "that dissucsion" where we take in the financial implications of having a little one.

I'd bought me B.B. (Big Blue - 90 cab truck hybrid) in sept of last year and found out shortly after that we were expecting - naturally, and wanting to sound the responsible one, I asked if I should sell her......

........the response was: "don't be daft, you've got to teach him how to fix it and drive it!"


I am looking forward to it! :D
Me boys due on 17th of june.....Prior to this we were having "that dissucsion" where we take in the financial implications of having a little one.

I'd bought me B.B. (Big Blue - 90 cab truck hybrid) in sept of last year and found out shortly after that we were expecting - naturally, and wanting to sound the responsible one, I asked if I should sell her......

........the response was: "don't be daft, you've got to teach him how to fix it and drive it!"


I am looking forward to it! :D

Having that sort of thing in your life really is life-changing... You are part of it and it is part of you - never forget that. Treat it like royalty, spoil it, and it will treat you well long into your old age :)

Oh, yeah, and the baby stuff's pretty cool too I guess :p
Depends on your finance if you don't do long distance And another thing it's been a long time but don't baby's have to be in rear,facing rear of car when they are young defenders rear seats are the wrong way facing .just thought I'd mention it unless you have another car that is.Your missis sounds cool another landy lover good luck enjoy them they grow up quick cost you money and then you will have to sell her to pay for well what kids want.
I still haven't forgiven my husband for selling the BMW RGS80 after our children were born. Wasn't a Landie and only had two wheels and was totally useless with two kids but some things get under your skin in just the same way.
We used the very recent arrival of our son to move from a 90 hard top to a 110 double cab - needed the extra seating space for the child seat etc.
We used the very recent arrival of our son to move from a 90 hard top to a 110 double cab - needed the extra seating space for the child seat etc.

Shouldn't that have been .. "We used the very recent arrival of our son to add a 110 double cab to the 90 hard top which we're now going to use as a plaything and save for when he grows up"

least you got to stick with the landie and not have to go for a focus :)

paul are you still over at the school ?
Got a good misus there fella, was in the same boat as you a while back my 3 year old son loves the fender and would break his little heart if I sold it, he goes everywhere with me in it like a weekend in Wales last year and camping at billing he was only 2 then, he's always outside with me when work needs to be done on it and he even helped change the transfer box with me, trouble is now he's started taking all his scooters and bikes apart;) he's learning and loves it, trust me it's worth keeping will bring you so much joy if your little one gets into it:D
Got a good misus there fella, was in the same boat as you a while back my 3 year old son loves the fender and would break his little heart if I sold it, he goes everywhere with me in it like a weekend in Wales last year and camping at billing he was only 2 then, he's always outside with me when work needs to be done on it and he even helped change the transfer box with me, trouble is now he's started taking all his scooters and bikes apart;) he's learning and loves it, trust me it's worth keeping will bring you so much joy if your little one gets into it:D

Agreed, my 4 year old loves my Disco as much if not more than me, wont go to kindergarden in anything else, i have to take the disco to drop him off and then go home again to pick up the car for work(its 34 degrees here at the mo and no aircon is a killer hence using the other motor for work:eek:)

sounds like you have a good mrs there pal, and good luck with the little one, its an amazing thing, just bloody tiring too.

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