After nearly six years of relative normality as far as a P38 went I have now sold it. The question now is six year old L322 3.6 tdv8 Vogue or 3.0 tdv6 Sport HSE. Both around 60,000 miles and same price. Thoughts please on which is the more worthy venture..... Ok I know some will say neither but I need to hear all sides.
Don't bother with a sport, its a D3 with less room inside! FF RR is the way forwards, although any reason for the dirty diesel? I found the SC models were often a better price and spec!
Don't bother with a sport, its a D3 with less room inside! FF RR is the way forwards, although any reason for the dirty diesel? I found the SC models were often a better price and spec!
I am not especially fussed about wanting a diesel, it's just what has become available in my area. That said the economy is a bit better. The two are quite well spec'd as it is esp the Vogue but it 'feels' older.

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