
New Member
Hi All

I’m after some advance.
I have read all the buyers guides and great info you guys have put on this Forum - That said, I am just about to pass with some cash for a replacement Defender having had my last one written off thanks to some ******d driving on the wrong side of the rd - and would be keen on any thoughts on the following

I have found a 2002 110 county TDI 2.5 that has been imported from Ireland. Paintwork seems scarily good outside - I suspect a re-spray. The inside certainly reflects its age and I suspect it was a farm vehicle – but the dealer have re seating and carpeted it – and are giving it a general spruce up. It has approx 70k miles on the clock and seems to check out on the Irish equivalent of a HPI check – all be it with a 2 year NCT (their MOT) gap.

Seems good at £12k

While it drives well and seems to my untrained eye to be in good mechanical nick, the thing that makes me nervous is that is has zero service history and the dealer seems to know nothing of its background. Although they are giving it a 1 year warranty and have done a MOT, I just feel nervous that I don’t know much else about its history (especially as I am no mechanic). Of course the salesman says this is common in a older defender.............?

Do I just need to man up – or should I be wary

Any thoughts would be gratefully appreciated
My view would be that your nerves are telling you something..... never ignore your intuition/gut feeling...

At 12k I would want all my suspicions satisfying.... dont be hasty... you will find the vehicle you want... dont let your heart rule your mind... you can have the defender you want but dont take risks.

If I was to be passing 12K then you seriously need to clarify everything about the vehicle/history/condition befor I am parting with my cash. Even when you have satisfied all these criteria, then I would be chucking 100 quid to my mechanic who I have used for years to persuade me why he would not buy this vehicle.... if he cant highlight any faults etc only then would I consider it further...

Dont rush !!! You have 12k you will get what you want... take your time and be practical !!

Good luck..

PS... If you need some extra assistance in being suspicious.... spend an hour or so reading the stolen defender threads in the forum... it will highlight why you ouoght to have all your criteria satisfied! Service history, MOT records, all correct parts on vehicle/ lots of threads showing how to do all this.
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If it is a 2002 TDI then it must be ROW spec and I can't see how it was registered over here as the TD5 had been in for some time by then. If it is a TD5 then that is ok and you just need to make all the normal checks that you would before buying any LR.

Service history can make you feel good but to be perfectly honest I have had such poor service from main dealers that as soon as the vehicle is out of warranty I either use a good non-franchised one or DIY.
I would insist the dealer gives it a full service before you buy it and then go over it to see that it has the look of being checked over (are all the levels correct & clean, have the props been greased etc etc?). Check the terms of the 1-year warrenty and make them aware (in writing) of any defect as it appears plus their reply and keep this on file so if anything happens afteer the warrenty has expired you have evidence that they were notified while the warrenty was in force.
Thanks for the advice

I have not heard of ROW spec - however the Irish vehicle check I have had done def had it registered as a 110 TDI 2.5. The dealer is currently getting it registered in the UK

Have asked about a service - and got the classic line 'we never let a vehicle leave that isnt 110% - hence our warrenty' - all very reasuring. However when I asked if they could confirm if the cam belt has been changed - he didnt know and said I would have to pay for it if it needed it.
ROW means Rest Of The World spec.
LR were still making the 300TDi long after it was available as a UK option (emisions regs in some parts of the world are not as tight as they are here) but I can't believe that Ireland is not the same as the rest of the EU which means it shouldn't be a TDi.
Depending on whether it is a TDi or not makes a big difference on whether it has a cambelt or not, the TDi does but the TD5 does not.
Check this vehicle out carefully and change the dealer!
Have you checked the chassis/bulkhead and everything else? Im sure you could get the same age vehicle (where the history checks out) with slightly higher miles for that money. You need to know when the belt has been done also.

I would look elsewhere. Patchy history is fine. but a 2002 TDI, possible respray, unknown cambelt etc. 12k is a lot of money.

Their warrenty is worth ****. They will MOT it themselves and then when you come to it next year, holes in the chassis, this that and the other. I wouldn't bother.

Private is a little bit more of a risk but if you know what your looking at then its the best way. I hate garages.

I think for 12k you will probably find a tidier example.

Check that the chassis no, engine no etc match up, if it's been resprayed see if you can find out if it was sprayed the same colour, a colour change is often used to hide a vehicle identity.

Once you are sure it's legit, I would then give it a good looking over and test drive, if it all checks out then fair enough buy it.

But I still think you will find the right one if you have 12k to spend.
cheers for your input.

I checked the chassis in terms of rust etc - and it seemed ok (as far as I can tell). In terms of the inside, because they have re-carpeted it (which appears stuck down?) - its hard to know what condition the footwells etc are in. bits of rust / wear on the inside around the wind screen / seat runners etc - but was brushed off with what do you expect for a 10 year old landrover - which I found hard to argue with.

I haven’t checked the numbers match yet - but plan to do that this Sat.

Having had a TD5 before - I appreciate the heads up ref the TDI - sounds like a TD5 is preferable.???

I think I just have an inherent mistrust for garages who are all smiles, ask for a refundable holding deposit while they get the car imported (and let you borrow a car) - then get a bit ****ty when you start asking questions.
£12k is too much for a vehicle with so many question marks. £12k will buy you a nice one with enough history to feel comfortable. Its a Defender so it will come with lots of hidden problems anyway so buy the best you can.
Look at the chassis outer face just in front of the bulkhead outriggers and you will see the date stamp for the chassis, its also in a couple more places further back.
To be honest for 12k i would want a mint original one with no doubts.
Theres plenty more out there, and 12k is a lot of money.

If you're worried about the vehicle's history try asking the dealer for the previous owner's details and contact them. Ask them how & when it was serviced?If the dealer refuses to give you the previous owner's details or says he hasn't got them ( they're on the V5 in the UK) just walk away.

You are getting 1 year warranty, I would say if there are any issues they will show up within 12 months. As its and Irish Land Rover, it should have little or no rust as we use very little salt on our roads.

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