I would say that you won’t do better for the money, certainly round here where £5,000 won’t get you very much in the way of a TD5.
If it runs well, doesn’t pressurise the coolant, and there’s no diesel in the oil, buy it
Every time it’s had a issue he’s taken it to a expensive LR specialist so I know it’s had prop shafts and fuel pump and odd few bit over the las few years...he uses it to do a 4 mile round trip to work and has been doing only that for years


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If it needs one! The engine is probably fine!

Check the coolant for oil, and the engine oil for contamination with diesel.
Well, l was looking on Ebay and quickly found two good TD5 Station Wagons with no work needed for under £8,000

They were both genuine Station Wagons and not converted vans.

Good ones are out there for sensible money.
Good ones are out there for sensible money.

Agreed, some ask silly money but there are some good examples around for a reasonable price it just might take a while to find one.

Noticed a very nice 06 td5 on fb markeplace locally yesterday for 16k :eek:, kin'ell. Furkin' dreamer, but good luck, might have someone with more money than sense turn up.
If you look on Ebay at completed listings that have actually sold, most are in the under £12,000 bracket.

There are one or two exceptions, very low mileage ones seem to go for mad money, although they often re appear for sale a month or so later.
Hold on....wait a minute.... he’s just tex me saying I might be up for a deal......I think he just likes the chase lol....I’m not paying 1p more than 4K tho even tho I was meant to buy it before him 6 years ago for 3k off our mate
Hold on....wait a minute.... he’s just tex me saying I might be up for a deal......I think he just likes the chase lol....I’m not paying 1p more than 4K tho even tho I was meant to buy it before him 6 years ago for 3k off our mate
Play it cool, Trigger. Play it cool, son. ;)
Ok so iv bee for a proper look and it’s not as clean as I remember...the 2 really rusty sections under seem to be a rear outrigger and another bracket but I can’t remember what it’s for.


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Yeah I thought it was mint from memory lol not so now....don’t think I should give 4 for the Milage and condition
Whats the sudden change of mind to sell it? Does he realise the condition points towards a lot of work or a possible replacement chassis within a small number of years?
He don’t use it..his brother gave him a pick up and he just likes using that with the perks of a newer car with comforts...I didn’t think the chassis was to bad the only hole is on the front outrigger...just seems it’s a bracket and a tube rear rigger that’s shot to hell....it seems night and day from the defender I had last time..this seems new lol....not to sure what todo

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