Abolutely Bobdog and i wunt have it anyother way ;)

i fell in love with my brothers series 2 military when i was a kid and was proper smitten.

if we had no feeling for em Landies wunt exist :D
exactly! they might knock, rattle, rust or fall to bits but there's something about land rovers that gives a certain smugness. maybe because they are the original (and british) 4x4, that you dont get with any other
exactly! they might knock, rattle, rust or fall to bits but there's something about land rovers that gives a certain smugness. maybe because they are the original (and british) 4x4, that you dont get with any other

true and the slittie drivers know it anorl...the buggers give mine a wide birth (even if it is a crap off and on road poofter wagon ) :rolleyes: :p :D
So what you guys are sayin if i take it up the chuff buy a freelander, if i like to knock the back out of sheep buy a disco 300tdi :D
you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't :hysterically_laughi

buy a depender.......rough tough man on man action wi them ;)

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