All I can say is go for a test drivce in one, if it puts a massive smile on your face then go for it. Without that the potential problems (you may get a peach) won't be worth it at all.

Hopefully you'll join our little family :).
Being the owner of both the TD and TD4 for a number of years now, they still can produce a smile when you drive them. Both of them are used on a daily basis, journeys to work and back. The V plate TD was the first, about 4 years old when we got it and have been well impressed from day 1, the main difference was when towing the caravan. The 55 plate TD4 came some 3 years later, chalk and cheese, it made the TD feel a total slug, it could compare with many normal cars for performance even on the bends, even towing a caravan at 70+ when forget its there (oops).
Yes there has been times when I have screamed and shouted at them in frustration, on the TD I have changed most of the normal culprits, IRD, VCU and bearings, rear door mechanism and all the engine mounts. On the TD4 weeks of engine problems were cured by changing the fuel pressure switch loom, and as its now approaching the 70,000 mile mark, checking of the VCU will be done on the next service, other than that it has hardly been a problem. Should I have said that ?
As a previous poster said, go and try one, preferably a TD4, obviously one with a complete service history with any replacement items noted, or get a bullet proof 12 month warrenty, or get it cheap enough to fit replacements when you need them.
I offered to get the wife a Ford Fusion a couple of months ago, I was told that if I bought it then I would bre driving it, get the picture !!

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