we could have a rating that depends on where youre from and what 4X4 you own?

any suggestions for say eg. off the top of me head. a yank wif a jeep?
mine was done in a sattirical nature, obviously something you, being an american, wouldnt underrstand
people only respond cos you are a yank and they just want to berate you. its not rocket science, just look at the answers you have received for everything you have posted
P.S. Its the jeep in my name that gets me the replies I get...not the yank thing! If you where smart enough to operate with multiple username...you might learn a thing or two
no, you get the response because you are a yank, the jeep thing is only there for the same reason. you are a yank, and you think jeeps are great,same as all other americans, whereas we brits know a thing or two about 4x4's and we all know that infact jeeps are just pieces of ****. lets face it if ypou werent a yank you wouldnt put jeep in your username and you wouldnt even like them
yota man is a Brit and has yota in his username. And the best 4x4 by far was designed after a Jeep...even the best need a starting point.
So you and marcus can be buddies, every time a Brit reaches the end of the road with me they jump ship and start talking about spelling and ****.:rolleyes:
And I appreciate you being consistent; unlike some people who get their panties in a knot and start changing everything.
glad to hear it my mongerel friend... i try my best to be consistently rude and abusive in our little transatlantic forum....

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