Depends on which force you are processed under, Dorset normally took 4-8 weeks after the visit to issue the license. I know they are taking a few months at the moment for FAC renewals which has caused problems with a few members of our club where their licenses have expired !
Applied for my renewl 12 weeks back I'm now 8days out of previece ticket (FAC andshotgun) yet 2 guys I know have recently applied for there first FAC and got theirs in 8 weeks max (avon & somerset):mad:
Could take a while then, West Mercia is our police force if that matters, supposed it don't. gonna be at least a month then, oh well.

Anybody ever shot a Wren with an air rifle?

The little (and I mean little) bstard is waking me up at 4.30 EVERY morning and then don't shut up till dusk, it's driving me insane
I just got mine 2 weeks ago.

Handed the papers at police station, got a call 4 weeks after that, firearms guy came round the week after, and got my license in the post week and half after that.

So, all in all, took about 7 weeks since I handed the papers, to get the license through the post :)

Thames Valley Police
Mine took around 3 months co terminous so had to get hold of club and land owners,
so it depends if you have ticket for overland.
I have open firearms but they still check land owners I have as home land for zeroing.

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