
Brought a Landy to LZ11. Yay!!
I thought I'd venture in here with the lads with the big toys as I'm (hopefully) shortly going to be joining the dark side of the Green Oval.... P38A ownership.

This comes via my father in law who'd had eyes on this particular P38 for years and finally managed to get it a few months back.

He's lost faith in it and has got himself a Lightweight to play with so me being the only Landy crazy one in the family has first dibs - at a very reasonable price in instalments despite pressure from his good lady to get shot due to it being a bag of problems. Garage have offered him a joking price, and we know they will just take time to part it out and make a tumpload of dough - I want it to use!!

Its a bit of a mis-match as the door locks don't match the ignition key. Various other minor things have been sorted like a saggy liner, bits of rough interior.

The BeCM has been playing up recently - no chance of starting despite being up with local rangie expert, but it'll start when battery disconnected and reconnected!?!

Tried all the usual 'easy' n cheap stuff like checking fuses etc, so he's whipped it off to some chap who can do some jiggery pokery so it is kind of bypassed???

Quite looking forward to it being sorted enough to start, so that I can plough about in a big engined petrol Rangie again - of course, its been gassed so that's a weight off as it'll be my daily driver while my Disco 300tdi is off the road being tidied up.

The BeCM has been playing up recently - no chance of starting despite being up with local rangie expert, but it'll start when battery disconnected and reconnected!?!

Tried all the usual 'easy' n cheap stuff like checking fuses etc, so he's whipped it off to some chap who can do some jiggery pokery so it is kind of bypassed???
You mess with the BECM at your peril:eek: sounds like another bodge that will do nothing for vehicle reliability or re-sale value.
Yeah I know what your saying but it's literally a pocket money car so I can lay up my disco. It's only gonna cost me about 400 quid.

Its still all in the lap of the gods - or rather this chap who is some kind of BeCM god that the FiL knows via his trade connections and has run courses on that sort of thing for him.
Yeah I know what your saying but it's literally a pocket money car so I can lay up my disco. It's only gonna cost me about 400 quid.

Its still all in the lap of the gods - or rather this chap who is some kind of BeCM god that the FiL knows via his trade connections and has run courses on that sort of thing for him.

It'll cost a darn sight more than that by the time you sort it! It is weird, a few weeks after buying one the Green Oval Goblin comes round, kicks you in the nuts and makes off with your wallet. I never even saw him coming.
It'll cost a darn sight more than that by the time you sort it! It is weird, a few weeks after buying one the Green Oval Goblin comes round, kicks you in the nuts and makes off with your wallet. I never even saw him coming.
:lol::lol: although mine has cost peanuts to run over 6 years, it's all the niggling problems that get me.:mad:
It'll cost a darn sight more than that by the time you sort it! It is weird, a few weeks after buying one the Green Oval Goblin comes round, kicks you in the nuts and makes off with your wallet. I never even saw him coming.

Amen to that!!!!!!!!!
I'm working on the assumption that the FiL has had most of the immediate issues sorted and that'll buy me a short space of time say a week or three to get me Disco's arse end sorted. Then I'll swap into the Disco, sort the 38, and repeat until both are tidy enough.

But as we all know the Green Oval goblin has big hob nail boots and likes bloke's knackers!

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