
New Member
Does anyone have any experience shortening a 110? Ive got a mint 110 Chassis here for a project (probably trayback) but fancy a shorter wheelbase.

Anyone done one, to approx 100, or even 90. (I know I could go find a 90, but since Ive got it! lol)

Are there any advantages to a particular length?


Why not consider lengthening it to a 130?

At least if you decide to cut it down and it goes wrong you can keep changing the model, 110-109-90-88-80...
90 and 110 different at back ,but obviously shorten between radius arm mounts,the shorter the chassis with no overhang is better for off roading
The back has been cut off it, similar to the Devon 110, or I would just galv it, sell it and buy a 90!
What is it going to be used for? Trials cars tend to be 80" wheelbase and winch challenge trucks tend to be 100", as a general guideline.

Just a toy, I think taking it to 100" is relatively straight forward, so that might be the way!
Just a toy, I think taking it to 100" is relatively straight forward, so that might be the way!

You're going to have to help yourself, before others are able to help you. "Just a toy" is pretty meaningless. If its "just a toy" why not just sell keep it 110"? Or sell it and buy a Defender 90? etc etc.
Probably harder than it sounds but why not take a disco propshaft and move the axle to the right place for that (approx 100 inch wheelbase) then weld everything from there?

If you want a 100", sell the chassis and buy a disco or rr classic
If you want a 90" sell and buy a defender 90
If you want a 110", sell and buy a 110, or build one
If you want a 130" sell and buy a 130
Does anyone have any experience shortening a 110? Ive got a mint 110 Chassis here for a project (probably trayback) but fancy a shorter wheelbase.

Anyone done one, to approx 100, or even 90. (I know I could go find a 90, but since Ive got it! lol)

Are there any advantages to a particular length?


Hi, did you ever do it?

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