Hi Paul

I think you will struggle to get permission for shooting in Haldon forest, the FC have a big investment programme for this forest and have an ongoing programme of developing further mountain bike trails and footpaths for the use of the general public. So I can't see them being to accomodating in this respect.

Your best bet is to contact local farmers, who will usually be only too grateful for any assistance with pest control!!

Have you done any trails up there? I used to potter around there a few years back and i hear the Northshore track has become quite big since i saw it last ( a few raised tracks ) They have put alot into it and, as you say, have a fair amount of time and finances in doing so.

I would guess not, especially considering what DTd5 said. Could pose a major health and safety risk. That said, they do allow people to go there for dogging activities during the weekend, so perhaps it's worth waiting for their response anyway.

I would suggest contacting Clinton Devon Estates. They own many forests in Devon and are one of the largest land holders in Devon too. I used to take my Landy to their forests (with permission) as they have an extensive network of green lanes.

Clinton Devon Estates | Forestry | Overview

Cheers Rich, i'll look into that abit more
Got a reply:

Thank you for your enquiry.

Having checked with the Director of our Estate Management Department I can confirm that it is against the Commission's byelaws to use an air rifle on Forestry Commission land.



No hint on anyway of gaining permission, but the less said the less they have to answer. i'll go the private land route me thinks.
In one of the shooting mags recently there was a letter from a guy who did deer control on FC land, apparently its on a bidding system and he lost it due to another bid, not sure how it works but I guess the deer are suposed to be controlled and could cause havoc in the FC land and that's why it is allowed. Local farmers def. appreciate insurance, I also have personal injury cover for my bike racing that would cover me on that front as well!
On the same subject.....

let's say that I own quite a bit of land and I also have a shotgun license, if there's a deer going through my land can I shoot it?
[JP];1426315 said:
On the same subject.....

let's say that I own quite a bit of land and I also have a shotgun license, if there's a deer going through my land can I shoot it?

I'm definitely no expert, but you can't shoot a deer with a shotgun and expect any chance of a clean kill unless you use shotgun slugs which I think are illegal in this country. ;););)
ok...let's assume I have a suitable gun to kill a deer.. can I shoot it if it's in my land?

what Im trying to say is, if I own land and a gun license, do I need to get any permission to shoot the wild animals that are on that land?

of course respecting the restriction of times of year when you can shoot some and others you cant
you cant shoot deer with a shotgun it's illegal. You can get slugs for a shotgun but they're section1 and if you asked your FEO to use them on deer he'd say no. A rifle is the only way to go for Deer.. Having said that I have shot a deer on my land with 32grams of No5's but only as it was very, very sick ( A walked up to it and shot it in the back of the head thats how ill it was ).. The shotgun is allowed only if its for humane dispatch
in answer to the above.. if its in season and on your land and shot with the legally appropriate weapon then yes you can.. if you 'should' is another question
Have you done any trails up there? I used to potter around there a few years back and i hear the Northshore track has become quite big since i saw it last ( a few raised tracks ) They have put alot into it and, as you say, have a fair amount of time and finances in doing so.

No, but have assisted a couple of contractors who are tendering for the works on future tracks!
hi there noticed your from torbay if your going doen the land owners route dont bother with andrew palk up by gallows gate he sais they dont do him any harm so let them be you could try paul stoneman at higher roccom farm hes ok with air rifles but not not shotguns the neighbours dont like the noise apparantly also farmer dad out dembury if you can find him i havent managed yet but hes quite ameniable if that helps

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