sounds like if the cops are that bent down your way you might as well buy what ever you can work on and not bother with tax mot or insurance and just pay the buggers off when they pull you ;)

oh and for my pennys worth if you can keepa disco on the road hen you should go for a RRC 200tdi with all the trimmings :)
Badger,you are correct. The avatar is the 300tdi ES that went up a tree via the ice from manhole cover. No one would admit liability for the leaking working beneath the cover so,as is usual in these matters , I got stuck with it . There is an anomalous situation in these parts where there are many water supplies from large estate farms that have been broken up and are under various easments and pipes from various,now extinct, quarries and mines that have been kept on as they supply people homes.Not to mention the many springs,wells and bores.Oh so many bores !

On our own farm we have had a 15 year mares nest with water supplies.Everytime we find an old pipe and cut it off someone appears screaming that they have no water. The only person who knew where most of the pipes went died in the process of making us a listed map,which was lost.

Lyndon , there has recently been a big shakeup in the local force and the street (carbound) cops have been brought in from somewhere else. The problem was never with them though. For instance : an anonymous statement I made as information on the working of a drug dealing family (who specialised in young girls) somehow found its way , in printed form , into the hands of the dealers . It was not in the form of evidence released for defence as they were not arrested or charged. But people came up to me in the street and quoted sections of it to me.Quelle damage !

Anyway, back on planet earth , thank you for the RRC comment . I could not see how a RRC of comparable age could be worse than a disco.....but I freely admit my ignorance and would love to learn so if anyone has the time to give me details.....please do !

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