Well looks like the mot will have to be delayed,GUTTED
My fuel pump has decided to start leaking quite badly, so its rebuild time or if possible a service exchange
Bloody hell. :mad: that's annoying. I've just come back to check the date of your first post to see how close the MOT was! :)
Well, good things come to those who wait.
Good job i didnt cancel the mot
managed to get hold of a ref fuel pump and managed to get it fitted last night so all system go for saturday
Well what a weekend it has been so far
I was working on the car up until very late friday night.
The auto electrician had been working on the landy most of the day , fitting an alarm/immobiliser and my tracker, so I had to wait for him to finish, so I could get the dash and various other bits back together.
When he had gone I started work, about an hour into it, I went to start the landy, and that's when it would not start !
OH S*** MAJOR PANIC!!!!!!!

I got straight on the phone and manged to get hold of the alarm guy.
Within an hour he was back out, this was around 9pm.
After a few checks he managed to sorted it out, the immobiliser was at fault, Phew!
The engine fired up and all was well, but it was so Late I called it a night.

I decided to get up early Saturday(not that I slept much) just so I could check everything over before the mot at 9am.
Everything worked as it should at first and then, about an hour before it went for the mot the brake lights stopped working, aaarrrgghhh WTF!
It turned out to be the reverse switch, so after taking it out and cleaning the contacts it was all systems go.

Driving the 5 mins or so to the test station felt great, I felt a great sense of pride and relief and to be honest I felt really choked up.

I got a call from the garage around 09.30 to say they had made a mistake and had actually booked the car in the day before (KILL ME NOW) although they would try their best to get it done before they closed at 1pm.
Then just before one, I got a call to say she had passed the MOT, but would not have chance to check the tracking etc until Monday and would I mind if it was collected on Monday. I said that was fine, and to be Honest I really don't mind, after a mad and stressful few days I'm glad of the rest.

So after 2 long years She is back and i'm one happy if not skint, happy bunny
That's fantastic. Excellent news.
Awesome news, Greyhair!
That's quite a dramatic run up to the test :) It's a thrill having the certificate though, isn't it. :D:cool:
All you have to do now is enjoy driving her. :cool:
I've got mine booked in for one of those laser, 4 wheel alignment jobs on Tuesday.
What sort of tracker have you fitted?
Awesome news, Greyhair!
That's quite a dramatic run up to the test :) It's a thrill having the certificate though, isn't it. :D:cool:
All you have to do now is enjoy driving her. :cool:
I've got mine booked in for one of those laser, 4 wheel alignment jobs on Tuesday.
What sort of tracker have you fitted?

I went for a sky tag in the end

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