I have heard of these thread extractors but have been told that they usually break before they shift the thread leaving me with a bigger problem than when i started. Do you rekon they would work then?

Yes if you get decent ones. Most peeps buy cheap & nasty extractors and whinge when they snap. Also now the heads sheared there'll be no strain on the remaining bango bolt. and you won't have the added hassle of havng to drill an hole for the eezy out to fit into.
Yes if you get decent ones. Most peeps buy cheap & nasty extractors and whinge when they snap. Also now the heads sheared there'll be no strain on the remaining bango bolt. and you won't have the added hassle of havng to drill an hole for the eezy out to fit into.
Is there a brand that you would reccomend?
Would you mind if i came down and saw you and possibly stole the use of your tool for a few mins:)

:eek::eek: Depends what tool you're on about!

I shall have a hunt round for it when i get home from work and let you know if i find them, Shed's in a rite state at the moment! :doh:

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