funny this thread popped up again as "my friend" only got round to trying to sort this out the other day and managed to break the small stud extractor in the process...... the stud is solid, its not keen on shifting at all no matter what he's tried..... so he tells me!
ah fooking told you not to use a fooking stud exfookingtraccta, did you listen? no yer dint and now its really fooked
well the head's already sitting on my work bench, bin workin away with a drill but its not lookin pretty..... got a couple of other bits to fix on the old bus anyhoo's so i'll just keep plodin on....

hopefully my other set of wheels'll stay runnin long enough to get this one sorted :rolleyes:
nah, got the buster extractor out wi a pair of pliers, wasn't too much of a pain, the larger extractors seam a bit more sensible but the stud is still solid.... i'll try getting some explosives see if that'll shift the wee bugger!
Fill it full of Plus-Gas and use my Impact driver trick!

Never known to fail ... like Bovril and Durex I suppose.


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