Both those references are pure chip munching class. But I was trying to say fender ugly and a good drive series is so pretty but you sacrifice speed, comfort, music, weather proofing and your hearing to drive one.

Yeah but what dose the old slapper go like
When the hell did a fender become a good drive?:confused:

I'd rather drive my Fender than my mondeo, unfortunately the mondeo has got a lot less of a drink problem:eek::eek: At least with a Fender you can close your eyes and still know your driving a Fender, do that in the mondeo, and you could be driving any one of a dozen cars.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I may be drunk,but I am not advocating driving with your eyes shut;);) You know what I mean:p
only ever driven 1 series, it was when I was a mobile mechanic (foolish job I know)
it was a 3a short wheelbase I think, looked pretty in its bright yellow new paint.
over the course of time and electrical problems, I found petrol reciepts behind the dash from a welsh farmer as previous owner.
that explained the rock solid ride, so I fixed it.
took each roadspring off, wire brushed them, jet washed them, when dried, forced open each spring leaf and greased inside each leaf, then greased the entire spring, then wrapped it in a hessian type sacking winding it round covering the full length. wired that, then greased it all again.
it changed from a god awful back jarring box on wheels to an almost acceptable drive - but, be fooked if I could get on with having the steering wheel in my belly while I drove as the seat movement was designed for dwarfs.

Series landies - so nice to look at, such a pain unless you loved there springs & internal design..
so, out of 10 on the swop
7 out of 10 for the feel good factor
2 out of 10 for a daily driver - sorry.

I love classics of all sorts,
but I have limits.
bought a restored triumph spitfire Mk3 couple of years ago,
in memory of the mrs Mk4 she had and used daily many years before,
took the pair of us just the once to get in and drive, to tell us,
times have passed....
we sold it within a week or so....
looked nice, but for us no fecking good whatsoever..
Thanks for all the advice, I have now decided to keep the 90:dance:

Daft idea anyway, the series has my old 11J in it and I don't really want to go back to that:)
I went from series to 110. I did like the series and you do miss them when they go. BUT I have to admit I did find it hard going using it often. It's very physical driving the thing and to be honest quite tiring.
I was alway pooped after a days laning.
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I went from series to 110. I did like the series and you do miss them when they go. BUT I have to admit I did find it hard going using to often. It's very physical driving the thing and to be honest quite tiring.
I was alway pooped after a days laning.

He wanted 800 quid with 12 months test on it but I told him it was worth more as it is in good condition except for the crap paint job:)

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