what you say is true, but already there are generic ECU's that can be used if you have the knowledge to replace original ECU's.

Agreed, everything is repairable/replaceable for a price. Ultimately the cost of the repair/replacement will be beyond all but the enthusiasts with the available funds.
Agreed, everything is repairable/replaceable for a price. Ultimately the cost of the repair/replacement will be beyond all but the enthusiasts with the available funds.

Yep. Same as it is with some vehicles already. Time marches on, we who love them now , will one day be gone , but in 2060, someone, somewhere, might just rescue an old L322, or P38, or hell, even an L405, and breathe new life into it. Not realising they are fulfilling the dream of someone from 2019. ;) :)

I might even leave the Golden Girl to @Henry_b
I do have around 200ltrs of old engine oil. But, I need a really good filter device to clean out any crap from the old oil before it goes anywhere near the bus.. research is the key here...
There's always engine oil in the garage..... Thinking about it, when combustion engines become extinct.... There'll be no old engine oil.... Cooking oil it'll be then....but for now....

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