
New Member
Hi everyone, im new to this forum and would like your help. I've got a 55 plate free lander TD4 and only 59k on the clock. The fuel pump had gone so got a new one fitted and then the problems started. 2-3 months down the line on idle the freelander shakes like a lorry; i mean really bad, the revs sit around 600 mark and when I gas it the vibration goes or if im on the motorway its fine up until I let go off the pedal and it starts shaking again (its like there's no fuel?). I got it looked at a local garage and they said that the whole fuel lines were knackered and it ALL needed changing. As this was going to cost a fortune, I took it to a second garage and they said the fuel lines were fine so was the fuel pump and also the injectors. They said that it is 1 of the valve not sitting correctly?.
Now the freelander refuses to start on the 1st crank, just cuts off like the immobiliser kicking in, if I leave it for 10 seconds or more it starts on the 2nd or 3rd attempt but the shaking starts. No engine management lines are on and the garage said there were no codes.

Please could someone advise me further as I am clueless and have been searching forums and on the net with but to no avail.

All help no matter how little would be much appreciated:)
Do leak back and flow rate test at several pressure settings with a reputable deisel injection specialist. Proabaly failed injector(s) for whatever reason
I wouldnt take it to either of those 2 garages again for a start.

If you changed your fuel pump, i'd definately recommend changing your fuel filter at the same time. Probably not the cause of your problem, but its definately good working practice to change it after pump failure.

I'd start with a leakback test. Check out Angeloc's solution if you fancy getting your hands dirty, else get your wallet out i guess.
Ok I have conceded - I have had an injector problem for nearly a year no matter how I swap them clean then and have changed two for second hand ones.

On Monday I am taking all four injectors down to City Electro in Swansea - they ate supposed to be very good and will check fully each injector for £15 each and recon for £105 any that are not fueling correctly refunding the test fee.

It seems many people who recon them just clean and put new seals in - this is not often enough as they do not test the full fueling pattern and flow across the rev range. Mine seems to be failing on one Injector at approx 2000rpm.

I wish I had decided to go this route last year. Worst case will be approx £480 bill if all need to be done!
As an update on my last post. The company were brilliant - they tested each injector and found one that was mismatched - ie not the right part number for the vehicle do the nozzle was incorrect - it also tested as faulty with no pre injection fueling hence the flutter at low speed acceleration.

They swap it as an exchange item for a fully reconditioned one they had in stock ( they keep TD4 ones in stock) - I had print outs of the state of the injectors and the bill in total with tests and recon Injector was £202

I refitted and it's great now - perhaps a very small flutter still there but over the last two days it's all but gone so it's probably a bit of rubbish blown into the injector which is clearing - I will put some Millers through it tomorrow.

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