
New Member
hello all just swapd me 110 for a d plate 90 . fairly cleen an all there just . but when you get into forth fith or above 35 ish it starts to shake very badly it seems to be coming from somwhere between the gear box an the front. i chekd the front prop an thers a little bit of play but not enuf to cuase that much shaking . an it wanders around at the back wich i just put down to a bush or something . any help would be welcome . matey says if im not happy i can take it back .but i would realy like to keep it but not if its gona cost me an arm or leg
Does sound like propshaft or front output shaft bearings, have you tried the obvious first ie tyres, wheel balance, etc.
the wheels an tyres came of my 110 so i no there ok . there is some play in the front prop about about ten mill eather way asyou spin it ..but no up or down move ment.. an a small amount of play in the uj but not that much eather .and a bit of transmission noise when you take up drive
Does it steer ok? Centre diff lock isn't stuck on? Have you checked the engine and g/box mounts? Get hold of the output flange at the transfer box end of the propshaft and shake it up and down, any play?
Also check the pin out of the bottom of the steering box (does it have PAS?) - if that's loose it can cause a shake, and the bolt on top needs tightening up.
the stering is ok but its like its trying to steer from the back aswell . the arm on the bottom of the power stering box faild its mot but was replaced then . all looks new. matey says he drove it back from up country an it was fine . i did grab the gearbox earlyer an shake it cos i thort the same but it was fine . after i stoped i did try high low leaver an it was stiff but freed up after a bit of a play . i havent driven it since for fear of mullering something
Have you checked the rear suspension bushes and all the linkages. Could be it just seems to be coming from the front but from what you say could be something further back. Jack it up under the chassis so there's no weight on the axle (use some stands for safety) then get under there and have a good lever around all the bushes etc. Also give the rear wheels a good shake to check for play in the bearings.
i will get it over a pit in the morn an see if i can find anything out of place . do you think it will b ok to drive. bout ten miles round trip to garage . if it was the center diff stuck on how would i free this up
I've been given the green light for an excursion by Mrs D! Was thinkin of poppin over in the morning tomorrow for a butchers if that's ok by you, i can follow yer to the garage if you want to check it's all ok - what time yer headin over? Will have to bring her car :(
any time you like mate . im up from 6.30 so pick a time to fit round you an let me no . its very good of you to help me out especialy on a sunday . an tell the good lady thank you for allowing you out
Will give yer a bell in the mornin to see where you are - probly be half ten or so if OK with you.
thats fine mate in wich case ignore the txt i just sent you sorry.i will see you in the morn . an extract some knoledge from the old grey matter
eavning all . young odenne very kindly came an looked ar me shed erm we are of the opinion it is probably the uj,s on the front shaft . so i will sort them in the next week an we will see . just the steering , squeek , oil leak , doors , locks ect ect ect an then we will b all good so to speek . ready for the next majore issue
So did it make the trip up to Devon ok then??!

Reckon it's pretty tidy really - engine looks like new and drives really well too - still reckon you got a new one in there! As for the other bits (doors, squeak, etc) are pretty much standard, oil leak is a requirement to protect the front half of the chassis - let us know if you plan to do the doors, it;s about a 5 minute job with 2 people and is a bastid on yer own, we can do mine which are still a bit wonky at the same time! (if i ever get it back!!)

"Next major issue" is organising a bit of a get together and off road down Baldhu with the others - anyone got any suggestions?

Good to catch up and get a quick landy fix, i've been missing it! I'm pretty sure the shake / rattle / grind is propshaft related but will be interested to hear if this fixes it!

IM also keen to find out the problem and im going to try all the pointers you gave as just after some offroading on a very rough rock road ive got same vibration at same speeds on full trottle etc! hoping it not an expensive fix!
ill give ya a hand wiv your doors mate no probs . i was out voted on the trip up an the wife made us go in her car . tho i did have the last laff as when we got there the boot wasent big enuf for what we went for .took me a while to get it in .ill order the uj,s after tuesday so prob do them at the weekend . an hope this cures it . an a get together sounds good as long as ive fixd it .i did notice it is much worse under load . going up hill an the like but it seemd to diminish alot going down the other side
well when i change the uj,s an take it for a spin i will let you no my frend . quik one tho wuld a slitely bent prop do the same thing or do it all the time
and yes, slightly bent prop would definitely do the same - with mine coz the splines were worn they had the same effect as a slightly bent prop, when it starts spinnning the centrifugal force will emphasise the weight on the outside of the bend and have the same effect as a badly balanced one.

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