lol, need to get it to a garage asap, just got back fro holiday in it.....had to pull over several times on steep hills as engine was losing power (almost like missing - but not actually missing), mainly on climbing hills. Then on the way down as soon as i hit 60 it was wobble wobble wobble. Its got a wobble all the way from 30 but gets severe at 60. Engine management light coming on randomly at the same time as the "missing". Sometimes when starting car the light comes on and car shakes side to side. Rev it and its fine. Set off and kangaroo city. Little girl calls her skippy now! Lol. Feels like something slipping in transmission somewhere, feels expensive!
Just a quick thought, could a bad vcu, which in turn has buggered my IRD cause the trasmission to slip or fight itself causing the hold back on accelaration? Would this cause engine man light to flash on or does it only come on if there is a prob with engine itself? Hmm. Oh and would it be an itermitent prob if was case or constant, as mine is unpredictable if its going to run fine or like a bag of spanners.

Did you ever get a solution to this? My wifes car has developed the same problem as this. I had thought the power loss was in the fuel or ignition system but now the wooble is really bad, Once it starts it's worse when you lift the foot off.

For anyone else searching, sorry jimmyd, not been on site for a while (2 years!) test your drive shafts for the wobble, solved mine, and also spark cables for the engine problem. Freelander runs like a dream these days - after having Head Gaskett done, drive shaft, probshaft balancing, VCU exchanged, spark cables, timing belt etc etc. Touch wood will be ok for awhile (still love her!) its now the mrs car as im driving a LR 90 "89 for my offroading fun!! Good luck!

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