i fink der prob is - yu nevva know if the av software aint workin - it only tells ya when it finds summat - not when it dont - obviously - so yu is happily finkin that yu is protected and yu aint - against everyfink.

We use nav, kaspersky and mcaffee - one on each of 3 machines - each of which scan the entire network - it is surprising how often one will pick up summat that the others ignore:eek:
so - yu start a thread designed to take a "wry look at attitudes" - and then get upset when yu get some attitude.

FFS - put up or shut up - preferably the later - yu are an arse.
but was hijacked by a couple of humourless drunks:(

obviously not talking about me then As I've been teetotal for 6 years and anyway getting drunk doesn't sit very well along side my diabetes. And I was having a great time replying to your inane drivel Best laught I've had in months.
They sell cos folk are too stupid to look beyond the nice shiney bells and whistles.

FFS, another one acting out his sexual fantasies on a message board:D

oh ffs heidi! here we go again!!! come on get the small willies and shagging yer mam lines out aswell. and while yer at it don't ferget the sitting naked at yer computor while stinkin of piff,gags!!
we've heard the all before and no doubt some other lame brain will be along in another week or two to enlighten us again...
i have to agree with daft , you are an arse, and probably one wiff piles
Just another pop psychologist without a baseline or control for his 'little experiments' (read as wry look into attitudes :rolleyes: ) so his results are, naturally, skewed.

In the absence of slob using this, I'll roll it out fer a change...


YER A ****!
'ere - I found an avatar for him... someone 'ad left it in the Gaylanders...

I'm not upset and I'm confused as to how you came to that conclusion.

By reading yer posts. S'not fkn rocket science is it?

So, we have a consensus..............Jim, you are a ****/****/****wit (those who concur please feel free to delete as applicable).

I was wondering when our weekly newbie ****er would show.
By reading yer posts. S'not fkn rocket science is it?

So, we have a consensus..............Jim, you are a ****/****/****wit (those who concur please feel free to delete as applicable).

I was wondering when our weekly newbie ****er would show.

FFs heidi!:eek:

you bin eatin red meat agen daft:rolleyes: :D
No you fkn weren't, he's not me bleedin' conjoined twin y'know! :rolleyes:

Anyways, yer not saying Jack off Jim's yer bezzie are you Mondo?
No you fkn weren't, he's not me bleedin' conjoined twin y'know! :rolleyes:

Aww! dunt be like that Marcus!

Eees teken quite a shine to yer as our daft!;)

Well he dint put it quite like that, "Sucker that'll drag his tracter about for im" or summinc ???:D :p
Aww! dunt be like that Marcus!

Eees teken quite a shine to yer as our daft!;)

Well he dint put it quite like that, "Sucker that'll drag his tracter about for im" or summinc ???:D :p

We're all quite good like that. We take it in turns to tow the Dibnah. Me first, Adz wuz last time. S'Hybrid's turn next! :D

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