should be £5-90 went over with mine couple of months back
apparantly the taff farmers kicked up a fuss as pick-ups and van backs should be classed as commercals (ie;£10-90) so they have designated them as cars ;)
110 commercial pays car rate.

If you want to be 100% sure then you could always go to the coin bins.;)
so mr rat cash is king and only do 50mph ......cheers boys......

yep! and yep!

Keep your eyes out for the camera van on the bridge as you approach the toll booths. It aint always there but it's getting to be a common sight. not in leons seat so be under 150.....
Didn't the old bridge only have tollboths in one direction? I thought it was a money saving idea - the cash lost in drivers going the long way round was less than the money saved in only manning half as many booths.

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