
New Member
Morning all,

I have moved to South West Scotland and was wondering if anyone knew of the best people to take my Disco to for servicing? I'm in North Dumfriesshire so anybody in Dumfriesshire, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire that anyone can recommend?
Morning all,

I have moved to South West Scotland and was wondering if anyone knew of the best people to take my Disco to for servicing? I'm in North Dumfriesshire so anybody in Dumfriesshire, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire that anyone can recommend?

Hi mate,

bustersbus may know a good garage.Pm him.

252 the landy parts shop in Dumfries should know the good ones.

I can't comment as I get mine done by daughters boyfriend.(Freelander).

Should be good ones nearby due to the amount of landies in the area.

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