
Last night the ace pump seized on my V8 Disco causing the belt to snap, is there a belt I can buy that bypasses the ace pump? It also has air com but if I have to bypass the aircon too then that is no problem

I am desperate for answers
There are 4 different belts as the D2 could be speced with or without ace and A/C.

With ACE, with aircon..................ERR6896
With ACE, no aircon.....................ERR 6897
Without ACE, with aircon.............ERR 6898
Without ACE, without aircon.......ERR 6899

Removing ACE does not require an idler pulley like the TD5 does. Just fit the shorter belt.


An alternative is to forget Land Rover part numbers and get your tape measure out. This is a 7 rib flat belt, so belt manufacturers part numbers will be something in the range of 7PKxxxx where xxxx is the length of the belt in mm, just make sure you make the measurement with the tensioner fully retracted. Then select a belt with the nearest size within a few mm to your measurement. Shorter is usually better as a tape measure does not follow the pulley profile the same as a belt.
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