I never gave him any grief he was brilliant and even sortede out a part. Just wondered if they're liable to pay the garage fees for the bolt removing if I can't get it off at home. He said I could try get it off with my angle grinder so I'm gonna give that a go.

I didn't catch his name but he was really helpful. We had to use my snapped belt as leverage so that the pulley wouldn't spin so we could get attempt to remove the bolts.

Just waiting for a tow truck now and he sorted me a courtesy car out that I'm picking up at 7pm.

No- in my opinion bolt issue is your responsibility
Sounds like he's going above and beyond to help you out so why give him grief?

+1 from me. agree with blue beasty. the guy is trying tto help, be bloody greatful and put it down to experience. the pump bolts are a pain so its just one of those things. hope you get it sorted.

Get some irwin bolt extractors on it.
Also if you are going to be doing the water pump yourself then try to use a hex socket on the water pump bolts, not a 12 point socket.
Why dint I get a call or txt from lzir, I've been up that way all day and only 30 min from my house if I wasn't.
Why dint I get a call or txt from lzir, I've been up that way all day and only 30 min from my house if I wasn't.

I'd guess 'cos he said he was already getting AA recovery out.
Chill out lads I never gave the guy any grief and I was very grateful he was brilliant. I was only asking if you thought my breakdown cover would cover any further garage fees as he wasn't sure it would or not.

Got home now, gonna try take the bolt off in the morning as I'm picking the water pump up tomorrow morning.

Cheers for your responses, got some very good advice today :)
Got ur message but didn't recognise the number and was up northyork moors breaking my disco lol didn't have 3g cover to follow the link , will save the number for future reference
Hope ya get sorted mate
Shame ive only just caught up with this thread as I live about a mile from that junction
Not that id be able to help fix it cos i was at work but could have offered a drive to work on plus tea and biccies from the wife
he could have driven the mile to yours with no pump

on the same subject has anyone converted to electric pump?
Shame ive only just caught up with this thread as I live about a mile from that junction
Not that id be able to help fix it cos i was at work but could have offered a drive to work on plus tea and biccies from the wife

better get registered on LZIR then :)

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