
New Member
Hello everybody. New day, new problem. Drivers front arch is shot to sh*t! Got new replacement inner arch to fit over existing once cut all bad metal out but where it meets inside of wing it's ally. New arch is mild steel, will it take with a weld being two quite different metals I wouldn't of thought so. An sure most of u have done this repair before so any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
if you haven't, then it's just the row of screws along the top, bolts at the back, which you reach with the drivers door open, and a couple more holding bits of plasticky crap on.
Was trying to avoid taking wing off. But it folds over inner steel of arch at top. So I'm guessing I have to take wing off??? Just in the middle of making new battery tray coz that's goosed aswel. And footwell, need to do that.
I don't envy you, but seeing as how I'm going to have to do the same job in the next couple of years, could you take some photo's? Thanks and good luck
honestly. don't be under the impression that leaving the wing on will make things easier, it won't, it'll make it a right ballache, just do it properly and take it off :)
I've learned that cutting corners like that just guarantees frustration! may as well start off by doing it properly, and getting the wing off really doesn't take long! :)
Drivers side wing also has the aerial to deal with. Oh, and side repeater.
Seriously, it's a doddle. :)

Large cross head screw driver for the screws under the bonnet and a 10mm socket with extension for the 5 or 6 bolts you'll see as you open the drivers door.
Sound as. Well there's my weekend planned. Oh joy. Ha. This love/hate relationship is getting more and more one sided. Will let u all know how it goes this weekend n ill take some pics. Cheers fellas.
When you've disconnected and unbolted everything, if the wing hasn't been off before, it might prove a little 'sticky' as you break bonded seal between the outer and inner wing. Totally normal.

Don't forget to removed the front indicator, too.
There's just a couple of fixings at the bottom too, for plasticy bits like the sill finisher and some bumper trim. It's almost guaranteed to be less work to take it off than to leave it on though ;)

Think the aerial is just a 19mm spanner, and the side indicator is a push, twist, pull thingy.

I bought some of this stuff to replace the mastic strip running along the wing too:

Took me about 10 minutes to remove each wing, its worth it because then at least you can make sure you get all the rot - then shultz or por15 over the new parts to stave off any rot on the new bits.
did one a couple weeks ago without taking off wing. was in a hurry and didnt have time to dismantle the wagon, was a ballache, but possible. btw contrary to popular belief ally and steel CAN be welded together with a tig welder. doesnt look pretty, nor will it be particularly brilliant join, but it can be done.
did one a couple weeks ago without taking off wing. was in a hurry and didnt have time to dismantle the wagon, was a ballache, but possible. btw contrary to popular belief ally and steel CAN be welded together with a tig welder. doesnt look pretty, nor will it be particularly brilliant join, but it can be done.

There won't be any metal fusion. You'd be better off using pritt-stick. You can kind of get it held together purely by virtue of some of the gloopy bits of the separate metals getting a bit tangled together! :)
Tiger Seal does adhesive as well as seam sealer, which you can use that to cover up your welding crimes too :)

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