
New Member
I have been searching and searching and finally found instructions on how to install and replace the brake adjusters! The BearMach kit appears to be good quality, but it came with no instructions so I hunted down a PDF as the only other one online I could find was such a poor quality resolution I couldn't read it with my eye-sight!


Hopefully this helps someone else out that opened up the box, dumped out the contents and thought.... oh my god, how do I assemble these =)

Good luck, now I've printed the instructions I'm off to see if I can get my brakes functional again!

Interestingly I found that the bolts prevented the shoes from resting on the steady posts when installed correctly. I found that in my particular application, dual wheel cylinders (I believe I have Series III, 109", 4cyl axles/brakes installed to compensate for the larger, heavier Ford Transit Diesel the previous owner installed) I had to remove the black washer and then the shoe sat in the correct position but still rests ever so slightly on the bolt head. The instructions suggest grinding the bolt heads down if the shoes don't fit, but it seemed to me removing the thin washer was a better idea... To each his own I imagine...
Must be cut backs! When I bought one it came with a little leaflet detailing the myriad of combinations.
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Must be cut backs! When I bought one it came with a little leaflet detailing the myriad of combinations.

I'm thinking it was the cheap annoying company I ordered from on eBay that maybe didn't bother to include them rather than the manufacturer....

One thing I did notice though is that looking at them from the back side (from the mechanics pit) it appears that even though I tightened the bolts up completely they appear to be lopsided on the backplate :( I guess there isn't really a good substitute for the original parts in a way.

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