for true stealth it needs leaving parked under a tree for a year or two, get the moss/algae growing nicely ;)

I see plenty of stealth landies in my travels on that basis. I should start a database. Theres one near boston, lincs looks like the farmers bungalow its parked next to is abandoned!
Well its ****ing it down today so what I'm going to do is mark out and drill my tub pieces indoors and then I can simply drill the tub quickly tomorrow using the pieces as a guide so it goes quickly!

Too much rain forecast for this weekend :eek:
nout, the bastards just break at awkward times…..

No idea why, both surfaces were pressed together perfectly flat, first few went in no problems then the last one broke and I don't have my grinder on me to trim the stalk and then drill out

Just gonna leave the broken one til I've finished the rest of the tub
nout, the bastards just break at awkward times…..

No idea why, both surfaces were pressed together perfectly flat, first few went in no problems then the last one broke and I don't have my grinder on me to trim the stalk and then drill out

Just gonna leave the broken one til I've finished the rest of the tub

E bay cheap made in china pop rivets?
Nope, these came from Thomas grahams and are made by sariv…….I've probably broken as many of these as I've put in and it was a box of 500 I think

Bout half full now

If that is the case then you are not doing something right. So it is operator error, not a parts failure. 50% failure:scratching_chin:
Nah, pretty sure I'm not.

Rivet into hole, gun over stem, pump a few times til its nice and tight then go for the fourth pump to try and break the stalk and half the time it'll snap 2/3rds up.

Don't wiggle the gun or anything just keep it nice and upright
Lazy tongs riveters are good, they stop you slipping or pinching your fingers
I've not got too many left to go so I'll make do with the **** ones for now :)

Will buy an air rivet gun if I ever need one again

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