
New Member
Hi Folks,

Can anyone who owns a IIA tell me what they're like to drive?

With regards to brakes, steering, (general handling) double de-clutching, max and comfortable cruising speed?

I'm just wanting to get a good idea whilst finishing rebuilding the pickup! (Having not driven one before) There seems to be a bit of conflict with the general ideas - even though series landrovers all obviously different - as in I was told by one person that the most he could sqeeze out of his landy (series 3) was 51mph; anything after that just didn't happen!

I'm going to be using mine on a daily basis: noise doesn't bother me, but certainly cruising speed and brakes do!

Thanks :D
Sorry I should have said that it doesn't have to be a IIA you drive; that would be an added bonus! Series 2 - 3 would still be helpful,

Ach, small price to pay... ;)

What does worry me slightly though, seriously, is that if you try using the brakes too much ie. slam on the brakes, that it doesn't like it. Now the remedy suggested might be just to not brake or to "pump" the brakes but I would be fairly concerned all the same! Still as long as it does stop at some point...
yer cant slam the brakes on in a series, its a pointless exersize, oh they leak as well ;)
Hi Folks,

Can anyone who owns a IIA tell me what they're like to drive?

With regards to brakes, steering, (general handling) double de-clutching, max and comfortable cruising speed?

I'm just wanting to get a good idea whilst finishing rebuilding the pickup! (Having not driven one before) There seems to be a bit of conflict with the general ideas - even though series landrovers all obviously different - as in I was told by one person that the most he could sqeeze out of his landy (series 3) was 51mph; anything after that just didn't happen!

I'm going to be using mine on a daily basis: noise doesn't bother me, but certainly cruising speed and brakes do!

Thanks :D
Having owned nowt but series motors with the exception of one gorgeous but highly elicit hybrid take it from me that they're too say the least an aquired taste.
The brakes are "present" although don't rely on any fine tuning with the adjusters on the backing plates cos theyre never reliable for balancing the braking.
The steering is vague but youll get used to that.
Comfort doesn't even come into it !!!!!!!!!
Top speed (comfortably) 45 mph.
And if you're really lucky you will have a hole in the footwell so as when you get out of yer Landy after driving in the rain you will have a wet crotch from the tyre spray and no body will believe that you aint ****ed yourself.

Good luck, WP.
tell me.
id love to know what possesed you to rebuild the series and then find out what they are like to drive???

it seems to me a bit like, me building a paddle steamer and then asking popeye, what are they like on t,canal?
i assume yer talkin to him and not me there EN, anyway, wot yer doin on sunday and what yer like with wiring ;)
**** hot at wiring. dont know bout sunday yet.
have to speak to the goddess eva braun first.
aye asap.
shes out with the girlies now getting rat arsed.
she,ll be home trying to seduce/rape me agin i suppose?

this conjugal rights business is a reet pain in t,arse.
My son uses his 88 s2 Diesel as everyday transport and he loves it! He passed his test last year and I let him use one of my Rally Imps (998cc with 115bhp) and he was for ever having to put fuel in it (11mpg), he then talked me into letting him use my Road Rally Imp (998cc with 85bhp) that was better but still only gave him 15mg. So when the chance of this S2 came up he bought it and has not looked back since, he regularly travels up to Cumbria (a round trip of 260miles) on the M6 "cruising" at an indicated 55mph and returning 25mpg, we have changed all the brake components (master cylinder and all wheel cyl + brake shoes) and the brakes do haul it to a stop but as he says his driving has improved because he does now have to drive with his brain as the braking distance has increased over what he was used to and also the fun of non synchro first and second gear. It has taught him a lot about looking ahead and driving defensively. If your mind set is for running your series as your everyday vehicle then you will enjoy the experience.
Hi Folks,

Can anyone who owns a IIA tell me what they're like to drive?

With regards to brakes, steering, (general handling) double de-clutching, max and comfortable cruising speed?

I'm just wanting to get a good idea whilst finishing rebuilding the pickup! (Having not driven one before) There seems to be a bit of conflict with the general ideas - even though series landrovers all obviously different - as in I was told by one person that the most he could sqeeze out of his landy (series 3) was 51mph; anything after that just didn't happen!

I'm going to be using mine on a daily basis: noise doesn't bother me, but certainly cruising speed and brakes do!

Thanks :D

[FONT=&quot]They're great to drive once you're used to them
Gear changes are very quick and smooth when you've sussed it
Road holding is surprisingly very good. Lots of feedback too since you're in total control
Max speed = 55mph
Max comfy speed = 45mph
Ideal cruising speed = 40mph
The brakes aren't that bad as long as you put your full weight on them

IMO the major problem is lack of demisting although this could be overcome pretty easily.

Hope you enjoy your Landy, I do [/FONT]
Cheers for all the responses!

(Esp. those who are not softies driving around in Discos:D)

Good info that I'll take into account. I was talked into rebuilding the 2A as it was sitting out in the front garden as my first vehicle and so here I am wondering what on earth I've got myself into - still I don't mind having a "basic" lawntractor type machine :) I was told that this one can reach 60 but as others are saying is more comfortable around 45-55 area. Fast enough because most people overtake as soon as they see any landy

Speed kills and all of that...

As long as I keep coming up with such slogans I might actually believe them^

Somehow my proper login is working so hopefully I'm not going to have to be 02pm07 anymore; we'll see!
Noisy, slow, bouncey, leaky, thirsty, heavy steering, gives you backache, non-existant brakes, etc. etc. Do you want me to go on???

I was kind of like you when I did my Series 2... it was 10 years plus since I'd driven a LR and it was a bit of a shock to the system.

But once you get used to it, and remember that any journey over ten miles needs careful planning, it's not really that bad.

My series 2A did smack on 60mph all the way back from lincoln (100 miles). Afterwards we were deaf and in agony, but it is do-able!!!

You'd have thought I'd have learned from these foolish incidents, but I now find myself sunk to the balls in the refurb of a series III.

- Series Land Rover's : Only masochists need apply! -
Hi Pogweasel,

It's a relief to hear that someone else's has done that golden 60 before!

Ach I'm not too bothered about home comforts but I do expect 18mpg upwards from this vehicle - it was (I'm told!) giving that reliably before.

I'll probably just have to see how it goes, because it's going to be my only vehicle :) for at least 1 year but who knows I might end up with a company van for the longer journeys. I've come to realise that a lot/most of the punters out there think that 60 is pretty slow anyway and cruise on past so if it manages a fairly decent 55 and on the ocasion (say if it were a single lane) 60 it's good enough for me...

I have to say I'm in the same boat as you - I'm already thinking of the next rebuild. :D
18mpg should be feasable.

I got an average of 22mpg out of my 2.25, which was acceptable. But then it's pretty flat round these parts :D

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