ha, I reckon he'll be lucky to see half of that!

Defo not 10k worth, just doesn't look right IMO and those tyres and disco steels :puke: makes it look stupid
i agree with the posts about the wheels, they look silly and that certainly doesn't look like a £10k car to me.
Series 3 bulkhead doesn't normally do that much to increase the value of a series 2. Nor for that matter the wing mounted side vent! Rear crossmember looks unpainted anorl...
Think its a galv chassis though so no need to paint although would look better and for 10k expect it
Seems a bit steep for private but if you ordered a rebuilt one from ,say, liveridge (9 month waiting list when I asked) the prices start at 10k.
A full nut and bolt rebuild - top notch job at Dunsfold LR comes in over £32k!

I certainly wouldn't pay more that £4-5k for that particular one. I can't see where he spent so much on his rebuild. :confused:
those dunsfold jobs do look the ticket, it must take hours to get them to that standard, they had some genuine series 3 unused bulkheads a year or so ago but wanted around £1,600 for one, probably worth the money but i didn't have it.

pointless me buying a concours rebuild i wouldn't be able to keep it to that standard, i would trash it relatively quickly :)
There have been quite a few very expensive leafers up for (attempted) sale recently. They usually don't sell. My guess is its people trying to make an investment/profit at a time when banks aren't really worth investing in. In the case in question it could be that the guy was being nagged by the Mrs to sell it but didn't want it to go...

I was looking at some old LRO magazines the other day and I would say that if anything, when taking inflation into account, series prices have generally gone DOWN as most people are now looking to buy a coiler.
Health fairly fresh looking oil patch under the sump for a truck that apparently doesn't leak much oil, maybe new buyer should check the oil level is sufficient!
i thought ebay were going to sto advertising them?

im sure its illegal im gonna ask a mate whos a copper

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