
New Member
as the title states

ever since my dad had an old 1965 2a ive loved landrovers
ive always wanted one, but now the dream can actually come true
as im finally old enough to drive!!
i have a full uk licence but as ive only just started driving no no claims :(

what series landy would be the cheapest to insure and is there any classic car companys that would take me on for my age (17 soon 18)
NFU are extremely cheap, if you have have other insurance with them :).

I have just insured a 2ltr HDI 206 5dr for 1500. Active when i'm 18. It must LOADS cheaper for a series.
series 3 109 was my first car, sadly I can't drive it regularly because of the ever rising price of fuel, but its a great way to learn to drive, you get a really good grip on gear shifting lol
thanks for all your help
i prefer the look of the old 2a's inside and out,and im more leaning to one of them but i seem to remember my dad talking about double clutching, do you need to do it on up****s and downshifts all the time or what? the last thing i want is a broken gearbox in the middle of nowhere

what do you guys think, series 2a or 3, based on my experience with driving.
A series as a first car is great fun and if u put a diesel in then mpg is pretty good i drive a series 3 lightweight every day to six form and wouldnt miss it for the world. footman james is deffently the best around £800 and i passed my test when i was only just 17 so compared to any other car, insurance is really good. :)
ah thanks for that :) i also go to 6th form and i'll be going to college next year for further study, im looking at getting a 1965 series 2a, and the gearbox, well, ill just learn to double clutch, cant be that hard, and its just another skill i can add to my driving i guess.
in todays paper £33k for insuring a 17yo in a corsa valued at £3k
landy more fun but can you afford to run it
go for it, I learned many years ago in a series 2a and it definetely makes you a better driver, well at least a safer one as you really must learn to 'drive' it. Not sure about insurance but you might want to consider if it would be more for a 2a without seat belts fitted. Mine doesn't have them and the cost is no more or less.

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