I want to fit a series 3 windscreen onto a defender.. I have seen that it can be done..
Its information on the wipers that I am struggling on
Anybody have any info or know anyone that has done this..
Thank Bob.
First problem I can see is that the flat-topped series windscreen won't fit the defender roof. You'd have to make a series roof fit.
I too like the idea of a series windscreen on a defender;i found a forum where a guy was doing this to his 110 among other things it was a great read with step by step photo`s on all the mods he was doing.Now after all that i can`t for the life of me find it again what site it was on or remember what title it was under ive serched loads of times for it with no luck.If I find it again i`ll let you know,(its out there somewhere).........
Not had our Defender for long. Just noticed....



One thing I have noticed, is that I am getting 'water ingress' at the point where the roof meets the front corners. It has all been apart in the past though, so it may be a simple case of poor workmanship installing seals, screws etc.

Any feedback on what you see is more than welcome, and hopefully it can go towards helping the original poster.

Thats the same as mine the guy who i got it off had it painted and they left the gaskets off the screen brackets now i get wet feet when it rains! Also my vent seals are tired so the dash also fills with water.
The hinge sometimes loosens itself on a series. Just a case of tightening the two screws behind the dash. Not sure of the more modern design.

Feel a bit daft asking but what advantages are gained in fitting the older screen???
The hinge sometimes loosens itself on a series. Just a case of tightening the two screws behind the dash. Not sure of the more modern design.

Feel a bit daft asking but what advantages are gained in fitting the older screen???
I guess it's just an aesthetic thing, split-screen vs. one-piece. Unless they were wanted to go the whole way and have a fold-down?

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