
New Member
ok i have a series 3 in the field it would possibly run with a few bits and bobs... but i also have a 200 tdi discovery in the field it if pretty gone rust wise ... so im wondering what i could do with them i was thinking of mating 200 tdi with series 3 gearbox but im not sure if i want to do that. ohh yha discovery would just go to the scrap unless i can think of any thing better to do with it.
what im asking is what would you do with a series III if you had disco parts available, or would you restore the series III??
Friend of mine has a series 3 with a 200 in it and it goes well. The conversion is worth doing if you have the disc there ready
Personally if I had both available I would fit the 200tdi into the series simply because I have done it and it's brilliant with the discovery differentials in the series axles.

However depending on how you want to use it a standard series 3 is also a brilliant vehicle and for occasional use the standard engine running well is good fun. Which engine does the series have fitted ?

I first had a 2 1/4 5 bearing petrol series 3 completely standard bar defender steel wheels and tyres and I wish I had never sold it.

If you don't fancy the engine conversion rip the engine out and sell it to someone who wants to convert and pay to get the series in good running order.
Oh and another point, if you are thinking about fitting the 200 make sure it's a good runner because if it's buggered then you may aswell stick with the series engine and flog the 200 as an untested engine on eBay :p

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