Oooo, he's gittin all industrial an' commercial an' that. Do a search Clive, I'm sure he posted the part numbers recently. ;)
Got un' now ain't I.

Dunt tell me, cun't be trusted, I'd flog me own Grandmother (agin.............once she gits returned............when they realise they weren'tent buying a eligible Russian twenny sumat in need of a passport & glad of a warm drink..............well, she dun't need a passport.........but, well, anyways.........I cun't be trusted) so yer elektrikery tips'd be flogged t'the highest bidder by next day.
Oh alright then. As soon as me noo'un arrives y'can have all three..........unless you want them two back now?
I'm glad to hear the pills are working, but do you still want t'go laning wiv HB & me one evening next week? :rolleyes:

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