
New Member
I have in my posession what i believe to be a series 3 swb ex army canvass top, is there any way of identifying it more substantially ?? I took it from work (with permission) as i found it tucked away in a box at Ashchurch (military vehicle storage depot) and it was just going to be chucked away, it appears to be brand new, it still has the wax coating on it. There are no poles or anything but if anybody is interested pm or e-mail me, cheers, p.s: how much are they worth out of interest ??
As a tax payer I am somewhat uncomfortable with this. I don't believe that Diablo has done anything wrong but I'd love to get my hands on the arse that he works for.
Why are you uncomfortable with this? I assume that the army doesn't use series 3's any more, so what are you suggesting they should have done with it?

If they have hundreds of them it would be cost effective to sell them or to kick the arse of whoever over-ordered back in the 80's(!), but I would have thought that a single spare is neither here nor there

Just my opinion....
Im not sure what your getting at Ashoofack but i do pay tax as well so what are you implying ?? The series 3 Land Rover has been obselete in the forces for god knows how long, in five years i never saw one !!! The old 90's and 110's are pretty well obselete too and there were only a handful of them around when i left, mostly being used at guardrooms !! The army probably consists of 90% WOLFS now so personally i wouldnt bat an eyelid at one canvass that was going to end up on a bonfire anyway. Would you rather i burnt it myself ?? I would like to think that any person remoteley enthused about Land Rovers would rather see it go to a good home than just wasted ??
Ah but here's the rub, the MOD have an official company that dispose of all osolete equipment through fully sanctioned auctions. I do undertsand that you have only gained a canvas that was going to be skipped. I have no issue with you whatsoever. My problem is that the MOD are broke, bankrupt, pennyless. I am uncomfortable with anyone who is prepared to just skip kit rather than going though the correct procedure for disposal. It may be that the only thing they have given away is a canvas, however, at what point is it ok to skip it/give it away?

Oh, and just for the record there are still a good couple of hundred 90/110s in service - needless to say spares are at a premium.

So finally, Diablo I have no problem with you just with the general attitude that seems to pervail some military stores that it's ok to give kit away.

Anyway this is all far to serious I'm of for a feckin beer - I'll stand in a corner and tell myself to stop being such an arse.
I understand your point totally but if you went in the army you would soon see where all the money does go, as an ex-serviceman i do think about the money budget and where half of it actually ends up, kind of makes me ****ed off !!! The austions that you speak of are purely for things that are stock piled. The thing that gets me is the reconditioning of vehicles, they base it on an age scale and not mileage, you can have a 23 year old Bedford MK with 90k miles on it and will be reconditioned when they know it will be scrapped in 2 years,yet a 25 year old Bedford MK with only 20k miles on it will just be scrapped, wheres the logic there ???? Surely recondaitioning the other would be far better and cost effective. Couple of hundred 90/110's, thousands of WOLFS !!! Im off for a beer too i think !!!

I'm having a beer right now and am somewhat mored chilled. But just for the record I do wear green for a living.
Right that's several beers down now - can yer mate get me a canvas with hoops? I reckon my landy would ok with a soft top -hic
I'm mostly drinking cornish hooch that I purchased whilst down there. Everything now appears to be in black and white only.

Regards WP.
GRUNT said:
Bin on yer Hols Wesser?
Yep, fantastic place is Cornwall, had a feckin good chill out and the Ayathollah actually smiled some of the time although I suspect that the reason for that was probably trapped wind.

Regards WP.
Nearest I've been that far south is Framlington near Gloucester. Though I do fancy venturing further south into Devon and Cornwal, but I can't stand the tourists.

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