I don't really see why a standard rover V8 engine on leaf springs is a bad idea unless you want to drive it like a track car. I'm quite happy with my petrol 2.25 but when I'm struggling to get it up long hills, I do wish it had another litre of capacity.

Theyre not the easiest to drive though are they?...roads round here dont have potholes they just chuck a pile of tarmac in and wait for traffic to flatten it down so theyre covered in bumps and the bends are so tight that people cut corners and the result is loads of gravel just as your turning...on bargrips can be challenging on the polished tarmac...not been out in the rain yet...lol...
Yes they are unique drive, that's for sure. Both of mine were on bar grips too, I'd have like to have tried one on radial tyres, had I been able to afford a full set.
Yes they are unique drive, that's for sure. Both of mine were on bar grips too, I'd have like to have tried one on radial tyres, had I been able to afford a full set.

Looked into buying a set of 9x16 from Able engineering to find theyre made by a Portugese company called Camac not radials but have a better grip pattern than bargrips 200€ each fitted no point at the moment though can´t bloody go anywhere! other than round the tracks at the back of the house down here...
So took the plunge at the week end, now a proud owner of a Series 2a swb V8. (SDI engine)
a lot a work to do over the coming months but thinking have some fun with the roof off during spring.
need to rebuild the twin SU HIF6 carbs tho.
need a clear exploded diagram if any about. can get plenty off the interweb but when blown up go very blurry or my eyes are shot!!!

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