Little bit more done.

Started by changing the exhaust manifold as I found a crack in it, luckily I had a spare knocking about.
Then put the new carb on along with the exhaust, and a few bits and bobs that I'd been painting.

I was going to spray it, but in the end I've stuck with what I know and I've used a brush and roller.

wot happened to the rest of this rebuild :(

i've spent ten minutes reading it all only to find it stops here. HELP
Question. When you fitted the swivel balls to the front axle, how did you test the free-play and how did you know how many spacers to fit?
afore i posted, there ant bin any movement on this fred since summer last year.

i want to know how it ends :(
I've just started a series 3 project today having been donated one, been reading the whole way through and it just ends all of a sudden!

Feel gutted!HAHA

I've just started a series 3 project today having been donated one, been reading the whole way through and it just ends all of a sudden!

Feel gutted!HAHA


Me too! I just bought a good chassis & separate body. read this through as good research & piccies and it's stops before the end :(

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